Search results

  1. G

    View Control

    I was thinking of trying one of these but was curious if anyone had integrated or could recommend one for my application. I think your second suggestion, of the fire TV, might be the better solution though. Awesome, this is exactly the behavior I am looking for. You are correct it gives my...
  2. G

    View Control

    All, I am currently working on re-establishing my camera setup because I just moved. Previously I was using a Zmodo DVR with hard wired cameras at my last place. I had 8 cameras setup and connected to the DVR and then the DVR attached to my TV. The ideal being if you heard something outside it...
  3. G

    New in town

    Howdy! Just rolled into town to be able to discuss some things I am working on around the old Compound. Long time computer and network guy with a strong security leaning. Working on a couple home brew creations and want to be able to share with like minded people.