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  1. D

    The Horror! Steaming Squirrel Hand!

    This past Sunday morning, our deck camera captured some strange video. We thought it was creepy as hell. You decide. (The camera is an old Foscam FI8921, so excuse the poor quality.)
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    Dahua SD59430U-HNI Pole Installation - Long

    Now that I've had our new camera in place for a few weeks, I am posting my installation process. In a previous post, I had asked about installing the camera on a pole I installed our weather station. I quickly learned from others that the new camera is too heavy to enjoy a sway "free" install...
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    Super Moon - SD59430U-HNI

    Tonight I recorded video of the "Super Moon" rising in Laurel Springs, NC. This is one video that you don't have to wait for the exciting part, so feel free to fast forward. This is my first posted capture since installing our new camera. I'm going to post pictures from the installation as...
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    Received Dahua SD59430U-HNI !!

    After a slow start in the ordering process, the AliExpress customer service rep I was working with placed my order and shipped my camera. I received it on Thursday, 10/13. Everything in the camera box was in excellent shape, and I also received the PFA-150 pole mount in a separate box. I...
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    Mounting SD59430U-HN on an existing pole...I need suggestions.

    I am in the process of trying to order a SD59430U-HN <---my thread. I will be mounting the camera on an outbuilding that already has power and networking equipment to support an older Panasonic IP cam, and a Davis Vantage Pro2 weatherstation. I have the weatherstation mounted on a 10ft length...
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    Tried ordering the SD59430U-HN -- Hit with credit card verification request

    After reading about CaliGirl's great experience with the SD59430U-HN, I tried ordering from the same vendor on AliExpress. My Visa's fraud alert triggered, and I received a text asking if I meant to use my CC to order from AliExpress. I responded "Yes" and Visa indicated I would have to...