Search results

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    Review- EmpireTech IPC-T58IR-SE S3 2.8mm 4k fixed lens

    Loony, have you used digital zoom in BI for this 8MP camera and compared it to the 4MP 5442 series, when looking at far distances? Does it look like it was approx 2X better resolution when zoomed?
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    Spider Webs Covering Outside Camera Lens

    I feel your pain. I use a pool cobweb brush on a pool extension pole. Also use Raid for for the ones that don't learn.
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    The case for using the SSA backlight setting

    Sometimes it looks like SSA may overcompensate WDR setting on some of my camera locations, but on other locations it seems to do a good job with correction.
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    New BI User, call me Overwhelmed

    I would just look out the window to see what is going on.
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    Recommended Home/Away Settings

    Yes, but Ken needs to add the capability for everyone to add their own wav files to BI alerts for better ID of areas, like "front yard, Driveway, Kitchen, Audio home alarm, etc." At least add some pre-canned messages that users can select from. Sometimes when waking from deep sleep on tone...
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    Recommended Home/Away Settings

    Continuous recordings are like cameras in general. No one thinks they need it until something happens, then it is too late. If you do not continuously record, you are not serious about your security. You make the choice. As far as notifications, I would recommend having 2 different types of...
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    Amazon Driver Drives An 80K BMW M3

    He is in LA, should be OK.
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    Fed up homeowner confronts car thief in his driveway

    His problem was not going out locked and loaded.