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  1. D

    DS-2CD2032F: E-mail Suddenly Stopped Working

    No. As a matter of fact, even though e-mail suddenly started working again several weeks ago, it inexplicably stopped working again last week. All of my other IP cameras continue to work just fine - only the Hikvision camera is affected.
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    DS-2CD2032F: E-mail Suddenly Stopped Working

    For some unknown reason, Gmail suddenly started working again yesterday on my Hikvision DS-2CD2032F. I didn't change anything in my system; e-mails simply started arriving again when motion was detected. So apparently this isn't related to Gmail ceasing support for SSL (unless they...
  3. D

    Suggestions for Outdoor IP Camera

    So connecting IP cameras to a NAS without an NVR is obscure? Then why do so many of them support it? Ditto for e-mail notifications - if configuring your IP camera to notify you via e-mail when an event is detected is uncommon, then again, why do so many support it? In any case, something...
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    Suggestions for Outdoor IP Camera

    Granted, it was Google who made the change, but only because SSL is a weak and obsolete security protocol. As far as I can tell, none of the major email service providers support SSL any longer, and Hikvision doesn't support TLS on the model I purchased, so I am left with no options but to find...
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    Suggestions for Outdoor IP Camera

    OK, that's not very helpful. Getting e-mail notifications may not be important to you, but it is to me. So a better analogy would be that the air conditioning stopped working in a brand new car after 30 days and the manufacturer refuses to do anything about it. So yes, I'm returning it. Does...
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    DS-2CD2032F: E-mail Suddenly Stopped Working

    But no new firmware for the DS-2CD3032F yet. :(
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    Suggestions for Outdoor IP Camera

    Yeah, I tried that - didn't work. Google officially stopped supporting SSL last week, which killed email on the camera and nothing else works. Unless/until Hikvision releases new firmware for my model that supports TLS, I'm up a creek without a paddle. So I'm looking for a similar (better)...
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    Suggestions for Outdoor IP Camera

    I don't really want to have a PC running 24/7 to support my IP cameras. I'd prefer to just have the cameras record snapshots and video clips directly to my NAS. I have three of them doing that right now, but those were just samples given to me by an IP camera supplier in Taiwan. They work...
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    Suggestions for Outdoor IP Camera

    I'm looking for a decent IP camera to install outside my house with the following features: - Outdoor - POE (not wireless) - 3MP to 5MP resolution - Day/Night - Good motion detection implementation (easy to set regions, sensitivity adjustments, etc). - Reasonably easy to configure for email...
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    DS-2CD2032F: E-mail Suddenly Stopped Working

    Ah, OK. That explains it perfectly. Thank you. So am I just out of luck now or is there some other free e-mail that still works with Hikvision cameras?
  11. D

    DS-2CD2032F: E-mail Suddenly Stopped Working

    OK, I tried that - I enabled access for less secure apps in the Gmail account but it still fails. If I disable SSL in the camera settings, it simply gives me an error message of "Testing Failed". So it doesn't work with SSL enabled or disabled, even with the Gmail account set to enable access...
  12. D

    DS-2CD2032F: E-mail Suddenly Stopped Working

    OK, so what is the issue? Can someone point me to that thread? What's baffling to me is that this was working fine for a month. I changed nothing in my system and it just stopped working.
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    DS-2CD2032F: E-mail Suddenly Stopped Working

    I don't have an NVR. The camera is just connected to my LAN and set up to record snapshots and video clips to my NAS.
  14. D

    DS-2CD2032F: E-mail Suddenly Stopped Working

    I installed a Hikvision DS-2CD2032F-I about a month ago and got it all configured to detect motion events, take a few snapshots, and e-mail them to me (as well as record video clips to my NAS). But yesterday, the e-mails suddenly stopped. I logged into the camera (remotely, over the Internet...
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    Hikvision DS-2CD2032F Cannot Download Video Clip

    I just downloaded and tried it with FireFox, and everything seems to work - Video playback and video clip downloads. I guess I'll just have to stick with FireFox and VLC for this camera. Too bad Hikvision doesn't support standard browsers like Chrome and IE, and cannot seem to generate video...
  16. D

    Hikvision DS-2CD2032F Cannot Download Video Clip

    I just realized that I'm running IE 12 on Windows 10 at home, while my office laptop is running IE 11 on Windows 7. I went through each of the security settings and changed them all to match what I have on my office laptop (which works), but that didn't help. When I clock on the download video...
  17. D

    Hikvision DS-2CD2032F Cannot Download Video Clip

    OK, I tried to run IE as an Administrator, but then the video clips won't play at all in the Playback tab of the camera's user interface. It just keeps displaying a message in the far right stating, "Playback failed" in red text. No explanation. If I close IE and run it normally, then the...
  18. D

    Hikvision DS-2CD2032F Cannot Download Video Clip

    OK, I just tried this from my office laptop and it worked, so the problem must have something to do with the IE settings on my home PC, but I'm at a loss for what it could be. I generally use Chrome so my IE configuration is pretty much the generic configuration that comes with Windows...
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    Hikvision DS-2CD2032F Cannot Download Video Clip

    For simplicity, I just tried to download to the "My Documents" folder. I also tried "Downloads" and my NAS folder, but it does the same thing for all of them.
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    Hikvision DS-2CD2032F Cannot Download Video Clip

    Once I have motion-triggered video clips stored on my NAS, I can view them in the Playback window of IE, but when I click on the "Download recording" icon in the lower-right corner of the window, all I get is a momentary pop-up window that quickly disappears. No video clip is downloaded to my...
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    Hikvision DS-2CD2032F Line Crossing Event - Video Recording?

    Pozzello - I tried that and it had no effect. I still get e-mail notifications of line crossing events, but no video clips. - - - Updated - - - CamFan - It's running firmware version V5.3.0 build 150513.
  22. D

    Hikvision DS-2CD2032F Line Crossing Event - Video Recording?

    I just installed a Hikvision DS-2CD2032F and configured it to send an e-mail notification and record a video clip to my NAS whenever there is motion detection in the specified red rectangle. That all seems to work OK (still need to fine tune the sensitivity). But when I enable the "Line...