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  1. R

    OK Now What!?!?! Everytime I turn around something else!

    Thank You! I was leaning towards the cameras from the get go (have had other problems as well). The settings I had are very limited to the reading I've been doing. I posted a thread a week or so ago about recommended cameras to use with BI and the last I checked no response. That being said...
  2. R

    OK Now What!?!?! Everytime I turn around something else!

    The max bitrate is 6144. So I lowered the frame rate to 20fps and upped it to 6144kbps I'm starting to lean towards junk cameras. Thoughts on that?
  3. R

    OK Now What!?!?! Everytime I turn around something else!

    These are the only option I can find for camera settings Not sure about tcp and rtsp stream.
  4. R

    OK Now What!?!?! Everytime I turn around something else!

    I have looked left and right for this iframe rate. It's in the cameras right? I'm running BI4 and the FPS per second are set to 25 and I left BI on auto detect (read that somewhere). I'm not sure what other settings I should give. I believe I answered your other questions in my quote to Nayr...
  5. R

    OK Now What!?!?! Everytime I turn around something else!

    I just built a dedicated PC for just this. My system is New install Widnows 10 i5 6th Gen 6600K 3.5 GHz Skylake ATX MSI Z170 MB 16GB DDR4 RAM Cisco 2960 PoE Netgear R7000 router (have a Cisco 2911 to upgrade to but need to work out my config) Cameras are connected to fa0/14, fa0/16 (yes...
  6. R

    Database: Corrupt of disc error: 00000020

    It might be when a camera reboots? I sent a reboot to one of mine to try and fix yet another problem and the log was generated. Although I'm not sure the camera actually rebooted because I was watching video the whole time. I have no idea what BI is doing, when or why.
  7. R

    OK Now What!?!?! Everytime I turn around something else!

    It wasn't doing this yesterday. Yesterday was choppy as all can be. Every time I look at recorded video something is different or not right.
  8. R

    Database: Corrupt of disc error: 00000020

    I get the same thing. No clue here.
  9. R

    Amcrest ProHDs Often Minutes Behind

    I just installed an Amcrest ProHD over the weekend and the max FPS I could get was ~2.5 - granted I've got an older AMD (6600K arriving tomorrow :cool:) but even after disconnecting the other whole two cameras I have it didn't change. I've pretty much come to the conclusion these Amcrests are...
  10. R

    Gmail problems - not a secure app

    I figured it out and thought I'd let you know. I installed the app on my iPad and iPhone, put my iPad away and have been testing with my phone. I did not allow notifications in my iPad but did on my phone. I just tried testing with my iPad (enabled notifications) and it starting working on...
  11. R

    Gmail problems - not a secure app

    Yes I did. Thanks
  12. R

    Gmail problems - not a secure app

    Thank you very much for assisting to try and get this working. I reinstalled my iOS app and allowed notifications which didn't help. I verified all settings in iOS for BI are allowed. I will work on the firewall troubleshooting tomorrow. I figured I'd get an error of some sort if notifications...
  13. R

    Gmail problems - not a secure app

    No sir, same results.
  14. R

    Gmail problems - not a secure app

    Removed and reinstalled app on my phone and deleted/entered user in BI. Still no go.
  15. R

    Gmail problems - not a secure app

    I'm just trying to get the test button to complete a test first. But yes, all cameras I'm testing with are active.
  16. R

    Gmail problems - not a secure app

    That's where I'm having problems. I'm not sure what to click on. I checked the box with the squiggle line and did a test with that too but the same results. Test sent to 0 devices.
  17. R

    Gmail problems - not a secure app

    I did but documentation says under options -> users as well. Here is my mobile/devices When doing a test push BI says sent to 0 devices.
  18. R

    Gmail problems - not a secure app

    I got the SMS to work but now working on push notifications. I have enabled my ipad and iphone under options -> mobile devices, under the options -> user tab I'm not quite sure what to enable/verify per "insure it's also enabled for the user account that has most recently used each device" I...
  19. R

    Gmail problems - not a secure app

    Thank you fenderman. If I may ask a another ? maybe 2 I have SMS alerts setup and the test works but I don't get a notification during movement. Also, does this work when traveling abroad? If I could get my push notifications to work I wouldn't worry about it but at least I got the test to...
  20. R

    Gmail problems - not a secure app

    From gmail - Hi Dude, Someone just tried to sign in to your Google Account from an app that doesn't meet modern security standards. BI test Proceeding Connected Error with user authentication I don't have two layer authentication turned on.
  21. R

    Why does my camera connect to

    I'll block the IP in my firewall and see what the side effects are.
  22. R

    Why does my camera connect to

    It is an Amcrest and apparently Yusuf owns the site. Are there any jailbreaks for cameras?
  23. R

    Why does my camera connect to

    Every time I log into my camera my browser connects to Why is this? - - - Updated - - - Domain Name: QCAMLINK.COM Registrar URL: Registrant Name: Yusuf Ravat Registrant Organization: Name Server: CP3.SIMPLEHELIX.COM Name Server: CP4.SIMPLEHELIX.COM...
  24. R

    Google drive and BI

    DING DING DING! Red flag right there! I don't for one iota trust "cloud" services in the first place much less some obscure company somewhere. I'm leery about Amazon and iCloud as well but not as much. When I log into one of my Amcrest camera's via web interface, on the bottem left hand corner...
  25. R

    Google drive and BI

    Can BI interface with Amazon or iCloud? I can't stand Google or MS
  26. R

    How to make BI run as service before login

    I'd venture to say it's the cameras. Why? Because their software is the weakest link in the whole system. That's just a guess though. The web interface in great too!
  27. R

    How to make BI run as service before login

    I will reply to my reply. I only shutdown one port one my switch but after taking time to post my reply, then logging back into BI, BI now sees all cameras.
  28. R

    How to make BI run as service before login

    Ahhh Ok, BI is starting up. I can connect via BI web interface after power failure simulation but BI is reporting no signal from the cameras. I shut and no shut the port on my switch and the camera signal comes alive. So now I'm left with, are the camera's the problem (which never lost power)...
  29. R

    Google drive and BI

    Are you bye chance on TWC? If so, they are upgrading their basic tiers of service. I'm on 30/5 right now but when the upgrade is complete (scheduled for this month) I'll have 300/20 or 30 - can't remember the upload at the moment. I'm in KY and I know they are doing Bowling Green as well so you...