Search results

  1. M

    Trouble getting Hik TFTP firmware update to complete - will transmit data

    I'm really not too sure of the difference, the names are the same and the KB size is also the same. To check I haven't gone completely insane, I did try the 5.5.0 file again from the EU portal and it did not work. Interestingly, a successful firmware update on this camera via TFTP never...
  2. M

    Trouble getting Hik TFTP firmware update to complete - will transmit data

    i have found a 5.5.0 firmware from the Global hikviison download portal. This actually works. Any other firmware from the UK or EU portal bricks the unit!! :( Although i have another of these PTZ cams on the same site running 5.5.71 strange. my camera is "CCWR" though
  3. M

    Trouble getting Hik TFTP firmware update to complete - will transmit data

    hi guys, Im at my whits end of googling and forum searching for the last few days. After an unsucessful firmware update of a PTZ camera of mine DS-2DF8223-1 AEL, i have failed to regain control of it. It was set a static IP of when working. Heres what ive tried. Loading...
  4. M

    IVMS-4200 to Mobile app

    Hi guys, for quite a few years Ive been successfully using IVMS PC-NVR on a high spec PC i use to collate and run all my IP cameras in a building. As the camera specs get better and better and more and more functional, I feel the age of the PC-NVR software. Hikvision have stopped supporting...