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  1. M

    CodeProject.AI Version 2.0

    See look at this shit! 90% person, this is crazy....
  2. M

    CodeProject.AI Version 2.0

    Bloody Spiders!!!! Regarding false positives when using CPAI 2.0.8 with Object Detection (YOLOv5 .NET), I have a 85% min confidence filter for "person" and still the bloody spiders are triggering alerts. is it worth using a custom model to get less false positives? or somehow adjusting the...
  3. M

    CodeProjectAI service keeps starting/stopping

    I uninstalled the latest version and rolled back to CPAI 2.0.8 and its working fine, im guessing the latest version of CPAI only works with more recent versions of BI, mines almost 1 year out of date.
  4. M

    CodeProjectAI service keeps starting/stopping

    another note: im only running BI ver as i haven't renewed my license yet. could that have something to do with it?
  5. M

    CodeProjectAI service keeps starting/stopping

    ok, more digging, soon as i untick "default object detection" it fixes service starting/stopping problem....
  6. M

    CodeProjectAI service keeps starting/stopping

    I decided to upgrade CPAI to the latest version 2.1.10Beta, but before doing so i uninstalled the previous version, deleted all the programdata/programfiles folders, rebooted, installed the latest and let the models download. Once that had finished, i rebooted, web server starts using default...
  7. M

    CodeProject.AI Version 2.0

    Thanks for the tip Actran, yeah i wanted low confidence because further in the background of the image people can sometimes jump the fence and appear small on the screen in the distance. but i'll give your ratio trick a try... Thanks
  8. M

    CodeProject.AI Version 2.0

    Bloody birds still keep getting detected as a "person", I've tried using the "ipcam-generals" models, still false positives. Tried disabling custom models and just using the standard YOLO 6.2, but still getting bird people. any ideas guys? i dont really want to increase the min confidence above 60%.
  9. M

    scrambled green screen

    Yup, i know the drill.... lots of the recent updates have fixed something and broken another, but ive been having this greenscreen issue for a while now, just sharing the changes ive made because it finally seemed to resolve the issue for me. apart from that, the latest recent releases have...
  10. M

    scrambled green screen

    Ok, so after turning off HW accel and cross referencing the camera in question with another camera of the same make/model, i found only one difference..... The camera coming up green in BI was set to "Consistent" in the cameras webGUI After switching to Variable, the issue seems to have gone...
  11. M

    scrambled green screen

    So your saying at least the last 10 updates of Blueiris have had this bug? no word from the devs about a possible fix?
  12. M

    scrambled green screen

    Nope, that didnt fix it, even after a reboot.
  13. M

    scrambled green screen

    Hey guys, I'm still getting this green screen in combination with "no signal" screens. Weird thing is, its only happening on one of my 15 cameras, and its not always consistent. I'm Running the very latest version, plus I know its not the cameras issue, the raw stream from the cameras...
  14. M

    Person detection without cameras using wifi beacons

    Update: Decided to play around with the raspberry Pi this weekend and make some progress with the "Person Detection System" So, when cars drive past my place, its all over in about 6 sec before they fall out of range, but people walking by is fine because there is plenty of time to capture...
  15. M

    Person detection without cameras using wifi beacons

    Thanks dude, yeah pretty sure Kali has an ARM build you can download on their website, but using any flavor of linux will work, just install the aircrack-ng suite Kali just has all the tools preinstalled.
  16. M

    Person detection without cameras using wifi beacons

    Yes, having the IMEI number would be great, but thats not broadcasted over wifi frequency range, so all your left with is the metadata that's available to you via the beacon packets.
  17. M

    Person detection without cameras using wifi beacons

    FYI see the timeframe below when google/apple started making these changes...
  18. M

    Person detection without cameras using wifi beacons

    Thinking back, one of the tricks i used to do to minimize noise, is unscrewing the antenna from the wifi dongle and wrapping the dongle in tinfoil (with small holes) This limits the range to how far the dongle can sniff beacon packets so your only detecting devices directly around your property.
  19. M

    Person detection without cameras using wifi beacons

    Yup, i have working code, its archived somewhere on external HDD, it was only about 30 lines of bash script, and im sure someone here who's actually a programmer could do a better job. is that you? also, your right, the only requirements for a person to get "spotted" is holding a smartphone...
  20. M

    Person detection without cameras using wifi beacons

    You cant eliminate the "noise" because the phones (station) MAC is always changing, but the wifi access points SSID's are always the same (unless the user changes them on their router) but that's pretty uncommon. Hence why i stopped doing this a few years back when apple,android updated their...
  21. M

    Person detection without cameras using wifi beacons

    Exactly, this is what i used my system for back when MAC's were static and never changed, i could search the MAC address on, and find an actual house address, works by people who enable monitor mode on there phone and start whats called "war driving", every time they drive...
  22. M

    Person detection without cameras using wifi beacons

    Anyway, guys alot can be done with this, but since modern versions of iOS and Android make MAC address random now when broadcasting beacon requests, our only use-case for this with cameras would be capturing "timeframes" of when ANY beacon is discovered. If you capture beacons for say 1 week...
  23. M

    Person detection without cameras using wifi beacons

    yeah soz, still getting to the replys, im at work lol
  24. M

    Person detection without cameras using wifi beacons

    well, you must be one of the special ones ;) I used to be paranoid too and stitch anti-static bags into "one" of my jean pockets, that way whenever i felt like being tracked, id just swap my phone into the other pocket, it acts like a faraday cage, blocks all signals
  25. M

    Person detection without cameras using wifi beacons

    I do actually have code for this, it was running at one stage inside a VM, i'll see if i can dig up the bash script from one of my old archive HDDs but yeah, it would be better written by someone more experience with programing, my script pretty much just did this... Poll output of airmon...
  26. M

    Person detection without cameras using wifi beacons

    no one does that theses days, there was a time when people would turn off wifi/bluetooth when not in use to save power, but battery tech is much more optimized now.
  27. M

    Person detection without cameras using wifi beacons

    Yes in conjunction with cameras, it can get interesting.... for example, before random MACs, if i ever spotted cop cars driving past, i could flag their macs and sent alerts every time they drove past again in the future. in my neibouhood, somthing interesting is always going down if the cops...
  28. M

    Person detection without cameras using wifi beacons

    well considering your grandparents might be the only ones walking around these days without a phone with wifi turned on.... this system covers 99% of people walking around
  29. M

    Detect unregistered person scenario

    Sure, I guess you could think of it as an early warning system for possible intention, and the actionable information could be used as a trigger to start recording a camera or send an message. depends how you use the data i guess.
  30. M

    Detect unregistered person scenario

    You might be interested in my post here about detecting unwanted people.