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  1. stansoltz

    Faulting application name: BlueIris.exe, version: Exception code: 0xc0000005 Fault offset: 0x000000000116bffa

    Hi All, Usually during the nightime, my BlueIris becomes Suspended in Task manager, and I need to restart to bring it back to life. Any idea what's causing this? It's only started about a month ago. Event Viewer: Faulting application name: BlueIris.exe, version:, time stamp...
  2. stansoltz

    updated my tablet BlueIris works on CyanogenMod 12.1, not 13? Loading...

    I have an older Samsung Tablet that I decided to update to Android 6 by using CyanoGenMod... in CM13, the BlueIris app just shows Loading... and no video every appears in the black window. I downgraded to CM12.1 and it worked fine just like in stock Android KitKat 4.5... Anyone have CM13...