Recent content by Zorac

  1. Zorac

    Anyone else try BI5's Popup toast alerts ?

    look cool, ive been wondering what they would look like. glad the bugs are getting worked out! ive tried a couple time to get them working with no success.
  2. Zorac

    anyone using telus for internet provider?

    it can be depending on your work's IT administrator's policies. it sound like they are blocking ports on the wifi.
  3. Zorac

    Blue Iris version 5

    does anyone know if the minor upgrades once your on v5 will continue to be free like they were for 4 or will you require some sort of paid subscription to get them?
  4. Zorac

    100% Cpu - any solution / driver for 4th gen Haswell ?

    im similar. intel driver version on an i7-4770k but only about 240 MP/s. no issue with any of the 4.8.4.x versions of BI (currently on I have intel video accel defaulted on for everything in BI and using an nvidia card for my display. i've never played with the quick...
  5. Zorac


    basically anyone can log into these cameras once you give them access to the internet. assume anyone can view your camera once you have the port forwarded. granted they have to find your ip first, but someone is always scanning ips looking for something like this. TP-Link IP Camera Hardcoded...
  6. Zorac


    right on, good you worked it out
  7. Zorac


    that's exactly what you need to setup, fill out the boxes with your account info and enable the option with the checkbox and you should be able to access through your noip address. I used noip ages ago, i remember something about having to renew my account every month or two with the free...
  8. Zorac


    there should be a ddns option in the router that will let you use a address rather than an ip. then you router will update that address every time your ip changes.
  9. Zorac

    Suggest a router that has a VPN

    if you want to take a big dive, try running pfsense. a bit of a learning curve but once you get it consumer routers will seem limited. i running on one of these with a used 4 port intel nic from ebay, doesn't cost much more than a good consumer router. ASRock J4105B-ITX Intel Celeron Quad-Core...
  10. Zorac

    Embedded Solution

    good to know, looking just at the number i though it might work.
  11. Zorac

    Embedded Solution

    i didn't know that, i though quick sync was standard if intel video was incorporated in the chip. it appears the j4205 does though, weird.
  12. Zorac

    Embedded Solution

    I'm looking at adding a nas onto my system with either zfs or refs. I've been looking at embedded solutions and impressed with some of the latest offerings. Given the embedded processor's capability I'm contemplating running windows server instead of freenas and moving my blueiris over to that...
  13. Zorac

    Door Sensors with BI

    i use a raspberry pi to monitor a few door and gate sensors which then in turns triggers BI over my network. it could just as easily be done with an arduino though. there are a couple different ways you could trigger BI though.
  14. Zorac

    blurry camera in cold

    just a follow up, i picked up a ipc-hdbw4431r-as and it is performing much better. its only been down to about -20C so far, but its far shaper than my old camera. it has a rating of -40C so it should do better.
  15. Zorac

    blurry camera in cold

    i like to refer to them as urban deer. for the most part they wait to cross the road, and aren't very skittish unlike their country counterpart!