Recent content by vonarstonehelm

  1. vonarstonehelm

    Looking for recommendations for a few cameras

    Moving to a new house and looking for suggestions for some new cameras. I think for the best bet I will probably want/need 3 types. 2 wider angle ones with a good night vision range for rear of house (will have a large back yard that goes ~100 yards or from the house, 1 for front porch to cover...
  2. vonarstonehelm

    [tool] [tutorial] Free AI Person Detection for Blue Iris

    Okay, so I manually trigger BI. Use that image to make the mask? I guess I am missing how I apply the mask (besides inside a photo editing software).
  3. vonarstonehelm

    [tool] [tutorial] Free AI Person Detection for Blue Iris

    Have a quick question... I have had AI tool running for a while now and would like to mask off a portion of the street and the houses across the street. I took a jpg, created a mask in gimp and saved it as a png with the same Cam1-xxxxxxx.png. Do I need to name it something special like...