Recent content by thejipster

  1. T

    Solving some NFS issues on Hikvision cameras

    We all can agree that the NetHDD implementation is less than ideal. NFS V2, V3 doesn't support authenticated access. For now, I will continue to use NFS until I can get SMB to work properly. I will have to go back to packet capture analysis for SMB when I have time.
  2. T

    Solving some NFS issues on Hikvision cameras

    Here is what finally solved it on the exportfs configuration /home/cam2/videos,rw,all_squash,anonuid=1002,anongid=1003,no_subtree_check) The cams use NFS v2, Macs uses NFS v3, and modern Unix uses NFS v4. In the earlier version, the high ports are used from the source...
  3. T

    Solving some NFS issues on Hikvision cameras

    I got my NFS issue worked out related to rpcbind not starting. So now I get a "testing succeeded" However, when I tried format, I still get a "Device Error" returned. I must be missing something......
  4. T

    Solving some NFS issues on Hikvision cameras

    I have been able to SMB mount it without issues. i had followed another persons suggestion of creating a file based partition using ext2 format. The I mounted that as a new partition with my Rasp Pi, exported it SMB and NFS Created a generic file dd if=/dev/urandom of=videos.ext2 bs=512...
  5. T

    Solving some NFS issues on Hikvision cameras

    Can you possibly provide a screen shot of how the configuration on the IP cam looks like? Are you specifying the "File Path" on the cam configuration screen as "/home/alastair/testpoint" or / ? I tried following your example in creating ext2 file system mount pt and exported it via NFS, but I...