Recent content by Tbully

  1. Tbully

    5231 Issues (?)

    Yes. I keep the lenses clean and can't see any condensation or other impurities in the optics. The settings were all default (50% ,etc). I went through the process of updating the firmware on all cameras to gain the "auto profile" functionality. This will allow me to fine-tune the setting...
  2. Tbully

    5231 Issues (?)

    I don't disagree and will look in to that, thanks. Just weird that it has been fine for a few years and now all of the sudden is being washed out. All of the settings are "default" and identical to the other 6 cams I have. (not ideal settings, I know)
  3. Tbully

    5231 Issues (?)

    Hi All - Please see attached. I'm having issues with one of my 5231's at night. During the day, both cams operate equally well. However, at night, one camera is really blurry. If I adjust the contrast, the image gets better, however it's blown out during the day. I realize I could setup...
  4. Tbully

    Local Console - Loses connection to Server

    Good call. That's exactly what appears to be happening. I wonder why the server is crashing and then restarting......especially after being stable for so long. It does always appear to be at the same time of the hour (7:04pm) this last time. I will have to watch that more closely. Probably...
  5. Tbully

    Local Console - Loses connection to Server

    Hello All - I've been using BI for the better part of a year with no issues. Great platform, of course. I use a dedicated PC in my office connected to an LCD TV to monitor my cameras "live" (as well as record). In other words, I always have the local console up and running on the screen...
  6. Tbully

    New User: Motion Issues

    Good point on the IR floods. This issue does not exist where I do have them.....
  7. Tbully

    New User: Motion Issues

    Thanks Fender. I think I've seen you mention that before. I do have Zones configured but not crossing. I'd have to think that through a bit. For instance, this camera has a few zone crossings I'd want to detect. However, I'm not convinced that would help me here. The capture above is not a...
  8. Tbully

    New User: Motion Issues

    Hello All - I've been using BI for 3-4 weeks and am really enjoying it. I've read through most of the help file as well as roamed/searched through the pages of information here. One thing I'm really struggling with is motion and false alarms (all outdoor cams). While I'm struggling with...
  9. Tbully

    Dahua Starlight Varifocal Turret (IPC-HDW5231R-Z)

    Still waiting for mine but not concerned. Only concern is with the wife! She's a little concerned about Ethernet wires hanging from all the eves!! Hahaha! At least the hard part is done for me. (Still need to build a reasonable BI server. Just testing from my gaming rig at the moment.)
  10. Tbully

    Dahua Starlight Varifocal Turret (IPC-HDW5231R-Z)

    Thanks. Shouldn't be a problem. In fact, the Ethernet cables are already ran and hanging out the eves.
  11. Tbully

    Dahua Starlight Varifocal Turret (IPC-HDW5231R-Z)

    Hello All - Sent payment today for 6 of these. I appreciate everyone's advice. Hopefully they ship quickly. I'm probably going to mount these under the eves (not on walls). Should in be getting PFA137s? Or will they mount OK without them? I see Andy has them for 50% less than Amazon...
  12. Tbully

    Dahua Starlight Varifocal Turret (IPC-HDW5231R-Z)

    As an outsider/new-guy, the problem with using Aliexpress is trying to figure out what is legit/safe or not. If I search their site, I come up with many different examples and prices of (seemingly) the same product. I'm sure some are knockoffs while others are the US versions that (I believe)...
  13. Tbully

    IPC-HDW5231R-Z Alternative?

    Thanks all. There really does seem to be a lot of love around this thing. I have a PM and an email to Andy so we will see what he says. Thanks you, @fenderman , for setting me straight in the other thread.
  14. Tbully

    IPC-HDW5231R-Z Alternative?

    Hello All - New to the forum and a bit overwhelmed by information at the moment! (A good thing, I suppose) Anyway, putting together a new system. A wise fellow member told me to stay the hell away from Foscam and perhaps consider the HDW5231. However, reading to between the lines of...
  15. Tbully

    Foscam 9901ep to ????

    Luckily only purchased one Foscam as a test - that can be relegated to a non-critical function down the road to aid in HA, etc. I keep reading about "Andy" as well. Looking to find him now. Thanks again.