Recent content by sunnyhaibin

  1. sunnyhaibin

    [tool] [tutorial] Free AI Person Detection for Blue Iris

    After running VorlonCD AITool for about a week, RAM usage stays super high and does not go down, I will have to close out AITool every so often to release the RAM. It has been doing that on 2 different machines after a short period of usage. Does anyone have this issue with the latest version...
  2. sunnyhaibin

    [tool] [tutorial] Free AI Person Detection for Blue Iris

    I have finally got DeepStack installed on Docker on Windows using WSL2, running 2 instances at the moment. I have been seeing some crazy CPU usage when they are both being used, from 20% to all the way at 99% when DeepStack instances are working. Here is what I see in one of the instances...
  3. sunnyhaibin

    [tool] [tutorial] Free AI Person Detection for Blue Iris

    Thank you, I have implemented the changes you suggested and it seems to be working well for now!
  4. sunnyhaibin

    [tool] [tutorial] Free AI Person Detection for Blue Iris

    Has anyone experienced the issue that the Alerts pane get filled up with multiple triggers from AI? I have set to send an HD image from Blue Iris every 1 second. Let's say the 1 event triggers 4 images in 4 seconds and AI marks all 4 images as legitimate, I will see all 4 alerts in Blue Iris...
  5. sunnyhaibin

    [tool] [tutorial] Free AI Person Detection for Blue Iris

    Do you just add another docker container running Deepstack locally on the same machine as Blue Iris? Do you mind listing out the steps briefly so I can get an idea of how to set it up properly for load balancing? Thanks! I'm running on i7-7700K if that helps.
  6. sunnyhaibin

    [tool] [tutorial] Free AI Person Detection for Blue Iris

    Refer to post #338 ([tool] [tutorial] Free AI Person Detection for Blue Iris) - I'm using 1.63 cause I could not get 1.65 to run on all of my machines, but one of the machines had the exact issue like yours, and installing the mentioned Visual C++ resolved the issue after a couple of restarts of...
  7. sunnyhaibin

    [tool] [tutorial] Free AI Person Detection for Blue Iris

    Hi @GentlePumpkin , I was able to launch 1.63 of AI Tool. Loving it so far! One issue I am having now is that I cannot start 1.65 on 3 of my machines whatsoever. I have tried: Uninstalled/disabled all versions of .Net Framework Reinstalled .Net Framework 4.8 Reboot multiple times...
  8. sunnyhaibin

    [tool] [tutorial] Free AI Person Detection for Blue Iris

    I downloaded v1.63 of AI Tool on both the Blue Iris server and my work machine, and I could run AI Tool immediately with no issues! It seems like there may be something different from v1.65 and v1.64 that can't be run on both of the machines. Do you have any insights into why it might be?
  9. sunnyhaibin

    [tool] [tutorial] Free AI Person Detection for Blue Iris

    I tried uninstalling all versions of .Net, reboot, and then ran AI Tool. It didn't prompt me anything just like before. Reinstalled .Net Framework and still the same issue. Replicated on both machines. Can you please try to attach your working copy of AI Tool and see if I can run it? Thanks!
  10. sunnyhaibin

    [tool] [tutorial] Free AI Person Detection for Blue Iris

    Windows 10 on Blue Iris server is relatively fresh. My work machine is on 1909, not a clean install though. I pulled a log from Event Viewer on Blue Iris' server and here is what I found: System.ArgumentOutOfRange stood out in multiple entries. What could it be? Thanks!
  11. sunnyhaibin

    [tool] [tutorial] Free AI Person Detection for Blue Iris

    Thanks for the quick reply. There isn't an option of "Block" when I right-click and choose Properties: UAC is disabled: I tried installing .Net Framework 4.8 and it prompted me that I have already installed 4.8 or later version. It didn't prompt me anything when I double-clicked on...
  12. sunnyhaibin

    [tool] [tutorial] Free AI Person Detection for Blue Iris

    I downloaded the AI Tool (1.65) and attempted to start aitool.exe, but nothing happens. Disabled Windows Defender and tried Windows 8 and 7 compatibility mode, still nothing happens when I double click. Anyone has similar issues with AI Tool? Tried on 2 different machines and it's the same issue.