Recent content by Studioph

  1. Studioph

    Hikvision Q1 Network PT Camera's will not modify in SADP

    Eureka......................after another hour of try and error I got the camera's up and working via WiFi. Thanks a lot for your excellent advice because without it was not possible with the official information from HIKvision to get the camera's working Regards PH
  2. Studioph

    Hikvision Q1 Network PT Camera's will not modify in SADP

    I found the remote configuration but there are a lot of variables to mess up! Where do I change the portnumer 80 or 8000 in the port number which is in my Router NAT fore warding which is 6622 and 6633
  3. Studioph

    Hikvision Q1 Network PT Camera's will not modify in SADP

    I have contact with the camera's changed the port numbers and adjusted the NAT settings in my Router. I see the camera's in IVMS4500 app and HikConnect app when the network cable is attached but WiFi doesn't work. It looks like HIK Connect is not for 100% working? Or how do you go from...
  4. Studioph

    Hikvision Q1 Network PT Camera's will not modify in SADP

    Deleted IVMS4200 and re installed and now I see the two camera's ! and will follow your script keep you posted
  5. Studioph

    Hikvision Q1 Network PT Camera's will not modify in SADP

    I checked the HIK Cloud P2P Account in IVM4200 and the camera's are showing up with the HIK Connect IP I assume both the same and their own device serial numbers so the camera's are connected to the internet and I can both camera's seen at my mobile phone via the HIK Connect app
  6. Studioph

    Hikvision Q1 Network PT Camera's will not modify in SADP

    Camera's reset via IP search see the two ip addresses in same reach of Router and PC But after starting IVM4200 the camera's don't show up in this software? Any idea ?
  7. Studioph

    Hikvision Q1 Network PT Camera's will not modify in SADP

    Thanks Marku2 for the offer, like I told before only tomorrow I can work on the camera;s again and while connected via cable I worked already with HIK Connect and had perfect images. Do you agree that pushing the reset button brings back the real factory settings of the camera? So the settings...
  8. Studioph

    Hikvision Q1 Network PT Camera's will not modify in SADP

    Thanks for the explanation. It is a pity that I am now away from home two days so I can work on the cameras first thing Sunday afternoon Of course I let you know asap if I got the camera's working Again thanks PH
  9. Studioph

    Hikvision Q1 Network PT Camera's will not modify in SADP

    Yes both IP addresses are in the correct range and different Router is and the camera's got after button reset and Personally I think that because when I try to modify via SADP and the pop up "Device rejected" shows up that the camera's are blocked...
  10. Studioph

    Hikvision Q1 Network PT Camera's will not modify in SADP

    Hi, since a few days I am struggling with my new two HIKVISION Q1 Network PT camera's model DS-2CV2Q21FD-IW With ethernet cables direct to my router the camera's are working via HIK Connect at my smartphone perfect When I start SADP I see both camera's but when I click at the IP address several...