Recent content by sprocketq

  1. S

    My Speeding Dectector Setup

    The reason I asked for the tech part of it. 1. I wanted to know what it looked like, and what made it tick. 2. I was thinking if this works well for you and has worked, maybe this could be turned into a portable mobile radar trailer a city could buy. They can deploy the device for a week, and...
  2. S

    My Speeding Dectector Setup

    I probably would solve the issue by installing speed bumps in the middle of the night but I'm also in florida, and we don' t have snow plows. And yes, it's probably illegal.
  3. S

    Review - Dahua IPC-HFW7442H-Z 4MP Ultra AI Varifocal Bullet Camera

    I picked up the IPC-HFW7442H-Z4 a few days ago based on this review. I overall like the camera but I can not get the ALPR function to work correctly. i have adjusted multiple settings, even did a full factory reset in case I did something wrong or a weird setting was on the camera I didn't know...
  4. S

    My Speeding Dectector Setup

    Could you post some pictures of your setup? I see the videos of the cars but not your setup at all. Thanks.