Recent content by sone

  1. sone

    Look at these crazy raccoons... an owl tries to figure them out too.

    Yea apparently owls do consider raccoons as food sources. They normally would watch from a distance and swoop in for a surprise snatch/attack but perhaps this owl due to its size decided ring side with popcorn was best for now. As a side note I notice when they left a third much larger raccoon...
  2. sone

    Let's Not Loose Hope

    Little girl smarter than the caption translator. :lmao:
  3. sone

    Does BI have a visual audio timeline?

    Ah ok, I will look into that. Thanks.
  4. sone

    Does BI have a visual audio timeline?

    Former Exacq user here and didn't realize until using BI how useful Exacqs audio timeline is where you can visually see spikes in audio throughout a recording.. I looked around in BI for something similar but may have missed it. Does BI have a visual audio timeline? Thanks.
  5. sone

    BI UI3 Everywhere

    Yep same here. Ui3 EVERYWHERE. I even have an old MacBook that was dumped years ago with a cracked semi dead screen running behind an entertainment center mirroring on a large external monitor flashing any triggered motions in full display. Loving BI!
  6. sone

    What Did I Capture?

    All jokes aside, outstanding capture! Especially the one at the 2:15 mark bottom center then changes directory a few times... thank you for sharing!
  7. sone

    Coyote Sleeps During Daylight

    Now that is interesting because as many coyotes pass my greenbelt I’ve never seen one just hang out any longer than attacking prey. And the greenbelt is way more secluded than this area the coyote chose to snooze. :) Kinda looks like it got stung by a large be or hornet? Thanks for sharing.
  8. sone

    Weather Stations

    Cool topic. Lot's a great systems up and running. I’ve been using Ambient Weather Ambient Weather WS-1001 since 2016 with great success. A year ago I decided to purchase the Ambient Weather WS-5000 station and it too has been great. It’s currently connected to Ambient Weather’s Interface...
  9. sone

    New massive security whole in many dahua devices (ip-cam,vdp,...)!

    Hah! My cams are isolating and not stepping a foot outside. :p
  10. sone

    Hawk Swoops Down and Attacks a Crow

    Still going through many of my security cam captures over the years. On this day I was out back just doing my normal sweeping and out of the side of my eye I saw this dark thing jet down towards the greenbelt next to my fence. I had my ear buds in at the time so I didn't hear anything or didn't...
  11. sone

    BIG Owl on my Trail

    Wow these are all interesting... thanks for sharing!
  12. sone

    Hawk vs Pigeon

    Cool capture though! I have a similar I'll dig up some time.. crow got swooped on by a hawk.
  13. sone

    Coyote Going After A Possum

    I didn’t realize Coyotes eat snakes. I didn’t even realize they eat possums too. I guess any vermin is game for them. Thanks for sharing!
  14. sone

    Coyote Eating a Snake

    Not sure what happened here as I guess the motion of the snake was too small to capture prior to the coyote devouring it. A raccoon later smells the left behinds.