Recent content by rug4096

  1. R

    Enable/Disable "Notify Surveillance Center" via ISAPI

    Thats great! Thanks!
  2. R

    Enable/Disable "Notify Surveillance Center" via ISAPI

    Nevermind... found the URLs by sniffing the browser-traffic with WireShark:
  3. R

    Enable/Disable "Notify Surveillance Center" via ISAPI

    I have learned how to control this setting via ISAPI: http://user:pw@ But how can I control this one? This would be really cool if someone can help here!
  4. R

    Take picture with ISAPI

    Yes, API is for LAN use. You should not expose your camera to the internet with port-forwarding, that is a bad idea. Use the Platform-Access feature of your camera and connect to it with the HikConnect App?