Recent content by Lucas Thom

  1. Lucas Thom

    Pulling (unsupported) video streams into your NVR with RTSP

    I've implementend an ONVIF server to publish the RTSP address and It's working now. Thank you
  2. Lucas Thom

    Pulling (unsupported) video streams into your NVR with RTSP

    @moped Thank you for the reply. I think the NVR is broken somehow, maybe a firmware problem idk. Btw, what's the model of your NVR?
  3. Lucas Thom

    Pulling (unsupported) video streams into your NVR with RTSP

    I've tested on two computers, both with ubuntu. I'm running the server at ( poe number 2) sudo ./ -s 5554 -c 554 --loglevel 5 and feeding the stream with: ffmpeg -re -y -f rawvideo -vcodec rawvideo -pix_fmt bgr24 -s 640x480 -i - -c:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p...
  4. Lucas Thom

    Pulling (unsupported) video streams into your NVR with RTSP

    I'm trying to do the same but I cannot setup the stream on the NVR. It seems a network issue cause it has the info Network unreachable/Network abnormal on the camera setup view. The rtsp server is running on my notebook with a fixed ip 192.168.254.x, I can ping the NVR and access...