Recent content by John Veldthuis

  1. J

    Alerts/Schedules issue

    Definitely was the camera settings that BI5 changed while importing the BI4 settings. Since I changed the recording storage to what they were under BI4 on my NAS all of my alerts are now available and the timeline is back.
  2. J

    Alerts/Schedules issue

    Well hopefully I have found the issue and yes it probably is a storage issue but it is one BI5 has caused. I had all my footage from the cameras being saved continually to my NAS which has more than enough storage. BI4 was setup to save each camera into it's own separate folder on the NAS. It...
  3. J

    Alerts/Schedules issue

    Well that wasn't the issue. Still only have about 9 alert clips available to watch and also the timeline is only showing about 4 hours worth. Can't figure this out at all.
  4. J

    Alerts/Schedules issue

    I may have found the issue with my alerts vanishing. For some reason the folder size for the alerts was set to 1GB. I noticed that all my alerts had vanished before 5am and only stuff after that was there. All my other storage places where still correct and set at 600GB or 7 days. Have reset the...
  5. J

    Alerts/Schedules issue

    In my setup I have 3 profiles. One for normal, one for night, and one for away. I also have 2 schedules setup. Home and away. The away is supposed to record/alert all the time where as home records via the schedule. These are set via my cellphone being in or out of the geofence zone. Question...
  6. J

    Blue Iris UI3

    Certainly not at my home address. I just have it port forwarded through my router to the VM Blue Iris is running on. Certainly am going through a proxy here at work but have no control over that one. Maybe it is their proxy. I tried using my cellphone and chrome on that through and it works so...
  7. J

    Blue Iris UI3

    Well I solved it by looking up the CORS error. Certainly something to do with Chrome. One suggestion was to install this extension Allow-Control-Allow-Origin: * Did that and Chrome now works.
  8. J

    Blue Iris UI3

    Found some errors in the developer tag but not sure what they mean. Took out the URL at the start ui3.htm?_sm_au_=iVVWMqRs4M5MJ36R:57 GET http://.net:81/ui3/ui3-local-overrides.css?v=80- net::ERR_ABORTED 404 (Not Found) ui3.htm?_sm_au_=iVVWMqRs4M5MJ36R:466 GET...
  9. J

    Blue Iris UI3

    Only extension in Chrome is LastPass. With IE & Edge I point them at the same address as Chrome and they work.
  10. J

    Blue Iris UI3

    Having trouble with UI3 and Chrome. When it loads it shows the loading components and it shows Loading Vector Graphics Fail. There is also a red box that says Error Trying to load icons.svg Response: 0 error Status: 0 error Error. This is with BI 5. It worked fine with BI 4. Also it works fine...