Recent content by Jivakula

  1. Jivakula

    Creating C# application using Hikvision SDK for DS-7116HVI-SL

    Dear Curious, thank you for you attention! From your test solution I found where the problem was! When I change in Visual Studio the properties of the project the builder "prefer 32-bit" and I use your Dlls then I start receiving the video from the cameras! PS: I found Dlls 64-bit and now...
  2. Jivakula

    Creating C# application using Hikvision SDK for DS-7116HVI-SL

    The error always is : "RealPlay_v40 failed, error code: 64" and from Hikvision description this is: NET_DVR_LOADPLAYERSDKFAILED - Failed to load player SDK.
  3. Jivakula

    Creating C# application using Hikvision SDK for DS-7116HVI-SL

    Here is my code where I use DllImport for "NET_DVR_RealPlay_V40", not VideoHelper class and the result is the same -1: private bool InitHikvision() { try { Hik_Init = VideoHelper.NET_DVR_Init(); if (Hik_Init) {...
  4. Jivakula

    Creating C# application using Hikvision SDK for DS-7116HVI-SL

    Dear Curious, in the code I use "Hik_PrevInfo.hPlayWnd = real_play;" but then result(realPlayId) of VideoHelper.NET_DVR_RealPlay_V40(Hik_LoginID, ref Hik_PrevInfo, null, pUser) always is -1. When I change it to "Hik_PrevInfo.hPlayWnd = IntPtr.Zero;" the result always is 0 or more. That was only...
  5. Jivakula

    Creating C# application using Hikvision SDK for DS-7116HVI-SL

    Dear Curious, thank you the information. I changed the DLL files with these from 32 bits version but with them I cannot finish the initialization process. Also, I read all posts and followed what Vilius was did/wrote and I did the same, but I stuck on this RealPlay_V40. If I change this...
  6. Jivakula

    Creating C# application using Hikvision SDK for DS-7116HVI-SL

    Hi there, I am trying to get video from Hikvision DVR and camera but still get a error 64. I can login and read device info but with "NET_DVR_RealPlay_V40" I stopped. Here is my code: private IntPtr real_play; private void RealPlay_Hikvision(int channel) { //handle =...