Recent content by jcrober

  1. J

    Problem with 2 router configuration.

    I did the tracert and the traffic is indeed staying inside the church LAN, even when I'm using the external IP address. So, life is good. Thank you all, John
  2. J

    Problem with 2 router configuration.

    I thought that using the second router would isolate all the camera traffic so as to not interfere with the other users. I am running DHCP on both routers so maybe disabling on the second router would help. I can use the external address from inside the church, but I was worried that the...
  3. J

    Problem with 2 router configuration.

    Hi. My setup has a "main" router ( that serves users in our church. It's the one that is connected to the cable modem as well. I've installed a "BlueIris" router hooked into the main router - the "main" router assigns the "BlueIris" router an IP of and then it calls...