Recent content by htex

  1. H

    Text Alerts

    The issue popped up before upgrading. Oddly enough BI lost a bunch of settings before I upgraded, specifically this email alert had to be re-setup. It was just gone for some reason.
  2. H

    Text Alerts
  3. H

    Text Alerts

    I've run into a new issue, where I have text alerts setup for a specific camera using my outgoing email. I keep getting mail delivery failures, for some reason BlueIris is still trying to send an email to text using the 8005551212 number that is the default number I replaced with my cell phone...
  4. H

    Blue Iris Crashing at 2 AM

    @smiticans -- Thanks, your advice to disable compact/repair put a stop to the crashes. It hasn't crashed in over a month.
  5. H

    Blue Iris Crashing at 2 AM

    All thanks for the ideas... A reinstall is a last resort, hopefully I don't have to go there.
  6. H

    Blue Iris Crashing at 2 AM

    Blue Iris has been crashing at 2 am sporadically but it is always around 2 am when it does. I've emailed support and they weren't much help. Faulting application name: BlueIris.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x58fb8bc6 Faulting module name: mfc120u.dll, version: 12.0.21005.1, time stamp...
  7. H

    Clips issues

    I'm on BI and my system is an i7-4790 with 5 Hikvision cameras and 2 foscam wireless. I'm having some issues with clips. The first issue is I'm losing video when a new file is started, I think. I have two cameras with overlapping views of my driveway and camera 2 dropped a good chunk...
  8. H

    Good source to buy IP items at

    please send me a catalog as well