Hetticles's latest activity

  • H
    Hetticles replied to the thread BlueIris and CPAI on Proxmox.
    Earlier silencery mentioned this. Bears repeating with the HDD question. You will want to look at "IOThread" for your BI Storage drive...
  • H
    Hetticles replied to the thread BlueIris and CPAI on Proxmox.
    I wouldnt bother with HBA passthrough for one drive. This is what I did when I had a single drive. People who have big arrays of drives...
  • H
    Hetticles replied to the thread BlueIris and CPAI on Proxmox.
    yeah PBS makes backup/restore to different hosts a breeze. For PCIE passthrough, look in your bios, you'll need to see if you have an...
  • H
    Hetticles replied to the thread BlueIris and CPAI on Proxmox.
    Yea BI on Proxmox is great. Instead of your clone/snapshot or Dev/Prod, consider using Proxmox Backup Server (PBS). When I make a change...
  • H
    Hetticles replied to the thread Hosting blue iris in the cloud.
    Yes, I do REDUNDANT NVR to the cloud. My strategy is local BI at each site, all cameras, doing AI, alerting, audio & lighting response...