Recent content by fourtenposi

  1. F

    Upgraded to Amcrest AD410 from Ezviz db1 observations

    Hello All, I recently upgraded from the ezviz db1 to the amcrest ad410. I have it set up to record in blue iris. I have 13 camera recording, with 5 of them are wireless. The doorbell was within 20 feet of the AP. Reason I switched, the db1 was constantly disconnecting. According to blue Iris...
  2. F

    Recording Substream/Cloning Cameras

    Sweet, it works exactly as i wantes. Just a note, i didnt have record dual streams checked and it needed that to work. Thanks for the help!
  3. F

    Recording Substream/Cloning Cameras

    Sounds like exactly what I want to do. So it will output one video file that will transition from sub to main when trigger? I also have an active plan. Thanka
  4. F

    Recording Substream/Cloning Cameras

    Hello All, What I am trying to do is set up where Blueiris records the sub stream continuously, and records the main stream only when triggered. So I go through the process of cloning the camera, and I get an asterisk. I change it to continuous recording, then I change the stream profiles...
  5. F

    Review: EZVIZ DB1C

    Hello all, I just got my doorbell installed and everything works. I also have it feeding into blue iris. Only think, is there a way to change the feed in blue iris to a non fisheye view? I can change it within the app, but it doesn't seem to effect the rate feeds. Thanks