Recent content by Falcon786

  1. F

    I've tried all day to not make this post.

    You sir are a gentleman and a legend!! I've been breaking my head over this for months and finally got it sorted with Tailscale..... I didn't know I had to use my Tailscale server IP address basically, but thanks for also breaking it down step by step as that helped me find what I was missing...
  2. F

    I've tried all day to not make this post.

    Thanks, I will try this later. Same IP address should be used for blue iris app too right?
  3. F

    I've tried all day to not make this post.

    Hi could you please give us a detailed explanation or walkthrough of how you got this right? I'm trying to get remote access working over a 4g/lte huawei modem system and unfortunately port forwarding via openvpn doesn't work through that connection driving me crazy,tailscale might be the only way.
  4. F

    Ip camera outdoor with pir motion sensor

    Sorry for thread necro but I think I may have a solution for people with this problem. After getting tired of Camera's false motion detection issues I subscribed to Blue IRIS sentry option but since there was a spate in break in's at my area in July this year I left nothing to chance and...