Recent content by crashdox

  1. C

    Events: subscription 00002efd

    Please, given an update on WHAT you figured out... i'm having the same issue.
  2. C

    Camera for inset exterior school door

    Thanks for the replies; yes, i'm the one that does access control as well. I like the idea of the button call with camera; we have that on the front door already (dome camera inside, call box outside); an integrated one would be required here. The areas we are looking at now ARE capable of...
  3. C

    Camera for inset exterior school door

    Hi, i'm newbie to this forum. As the volunteer tech guy for our small parochial school, I get to do the 'fun' stuff. Due to all of the news this year ala schools, we need to add some cameras to some outside doors. The problem is, most of the doors are inset (see pic). Talking to the school...