Recent content by CloudNoThanks

  1. CloudNoThanks

    Ubiquity EdgeRouter X - Configuring to Isolate Surveillance Networks

    I reversed the rules and still no luck. I ensured there was no upnp service active. I actually ended up deleting the UPnP2 service, deleting all my firewall/DNAT rules and just went with bog-standard port forwarding. This enabled "open" NAT on my XBOX. Thanks for the help! I guess whenever...
  2. CloudNoThanks

    Ubiquity EdgeRouter X - Configuring to Isolate Surveillance Networks

    Hmmmm. I'm guessing the syntax of my rules isn't correct? I'm still getting the "UPnP unsuccessful" message on XBOX and moderate NAT... rule 40 { action accept description "J UPnP2 upd 1900" destination { address
  3. CloudNoThanks

    Ubiquity EdgeRouter X - Configuring to Isolate Surveillance Networks

    Thanks for the quick reply! I already place my IOT devices on LAN4, so no worries--they'll remain there and LAN3 will be just for UPnP gaming systems. :) I like to understand what I'm doing--essentially here you're just using the console to enable UPnP2, and adding a rule forbidding the use...
  4. CloudNoThanks

    Ubiquity EdgeRouter X - Configuring to Isolate Surveillance Networks

    @guykuo this is amazing work! Thank you so much for providing your config, and the detailed documentation! This is something that I've wanted to do for ages, but simply haven't had the time to fully educate myself on the matter. Your config file is what gave me the courage to embark on a...