Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?


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Sep 5, 2016
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Its kinda like they're laughing at us while spitting in our face...

The multi-million-dollar project is a collaboration between Dr Anthony Fauci's old department at the National Institutes of Health, Colorado State University (CSU) and EcoHealth Alliance (EHA), a controversial research group at the center of the Covid lab leak theory.


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Sep 5, 2016
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Biden DOJ Quietly Hires More Lawyers For Vaccine Injury Lawsuits
Biden DOJ Quietly Hires More Lawyers For Vaccine Injury Lawsuits | ZeroHedge

In January, the CDC was forced to reveal the results of its VAERS safety signal monitoring for COVID-19 vaccines (thanks to a FOIA request by Zachary Stieber of the Epoch Times), which painted an alarming picture. The analysis, spanning Dec. 14 2020 through July 29, 2022, revealed:
  • There were 770 different types of adverse events that showed safety signals in ages 18+, of which over 500 (or 2/3) had a larger safety signal than myocarditis/pericarditis.
  • The CDC analysis shows that the number of serious adverse events reported in less than two years for mRNA COVID-19 vaccines is 5.5 times larger than all serious reports for vaccines given to adults in the US since 2009 (~73,000 vs. ~13,000).
  • Twice as many mRNA COVID-19 vaccine reports were classified as serious compared to all other vaccines given to adults (11% vs. 5.5%). This meets the CDC definition of a safety signal.


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Sep 5, 2016
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Remember this?

Owner Of Chinese Biolab Busted In California Linked To CCP Military Program: House Report
Owner Of Chinese Biolab Busted In California Linked To CCP Military Program: House Report | ZeroHedge

Zhu's confession of operating his companies to "further PRC policy" and meet demands of a PRC premier raises serious concerns about espionage and intellectual property theft. His history of operating companies in Canada, engaging in the massive theft of American cattle-related intellectual property, and fleeing to the U.S. after a $330 million judgment, only adds to the gravity of the situation.
The committee also highlighted Zhu's inflammatory private messages on WeChat, where he talked about defeating "the American aggressor" and referred to his companies as tools against "American imperialism."

CDC Ignores Evidence?

But perhaps even more disturbing is the alleged disregard by the CDC for potential evidence, including a freezer labeled "ebola." This negligence or possible cover-up raises critical questions about the integrity and competence of these federal agencies in handling matters of national security.

A collage of the biolab in Reedley, Calif., on July 31, 2023. (Fresno County Public Health Department/Judicial Watch, Nathan Su/The Epoch Times, Courtesy of City of Reedley)

The committee's findings corroborate an investigation by the Daily Caller from August 2023, which linked Zhu's biolab to Ai De Biopharmaceutical in Qingdao, China. This connection suggests a broader network of PRC-controlled companies engaging in dubious activities on American soil.

As the full scope of Zhu's operations and his connections to the PRC government unfold, this case may well represent a glaring example of the CCP's covert operations in the United States, blending industrial espionage with potential biological threats. The implications for national security are profound and demand an urgent and thorough response from U.S. authorities.


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Sep 5, 2016
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Top FDA Officials Accepted Jobs With Moderna After Playing Key Roles In The Licensure Of COVID-19 Vaccines
Top FDA Officials Accepted Jobs With Moderna After Playing Key Roles In The Licensure Of COVID-19 Vaccines | ZeroHedge

.......... Two high-level regulatory officials with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) involved in vaccine oversight accepted jobs at Moderna just months after signing off on the licensure of the company’s COVID-19 vaccine, according to a British Medical Journal (BMJ) investigation.

In a 2016 study published in The BMJ, researchers followed 55 medical reviewers involved in drug approvals in the FDA’s hematology-oncology division over several years. Of 26 medical reviewers who left the agency, 15 went to work for the biopharmaceutical industry, were consultants to it, or did both.
A search conducted in 2018 by the journal Science found that 11 of 16 FDA medical examiners involved with 28 drug approvals left the agency for new jobs or became consultants with companies whose products they recently regulated.

....... Another prominent example of a top regulatory official who left the FDA to work for the drug industry is former FDA commissioner Dr. Scott Gottlieb, who unexpectedly resigned in March 2019 after less than two years of serving in the position.
In June 2019, Pfizer announced that Dr. Gottlieb had been appointed to its board of directors “effective immediately” and joined the company’s Regulatory and Compliance Committee and the Science and Technology Committee.

Dr. Gottlieb, who is also a CNBC contributor, was frequently consulted by news media outlets on COVID-19 vaccines, helped the company rake in more than $100 billion in sales of its vaccine and anti-viral, and flagged tweets that questioned COVID-19 vaccines for “X,” formerly known as “Twitter,” as revealed by the Twitter files.

According to the BMJ investigation, Moncef Slaoui, a prominent member of Moderna’s board of directors, was appointed by President Trump to co-lead Operation Warp Speed. Although he resigned from Moderna’s board and sold his stake in the company, Moderna, which had never brought a product to market, received $4.94 billion in federal funding for 300 million doses of its COVID-19 vaccine. The FDA Commissioner at the time, Stephen Hahn, authorized Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine on Dec. 18, 2020, and stepped down six months later when he accepted a job with Flagship Pioneering—“the venture fund that birthed Moderna.”
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Sep 5, 2016
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Jul 16, 2015
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Paul is spelling it out but has few friends in government to help. Curious why so many want to ignore it.

Why? Every fucking Politician and bureaucrat is on the take. And those few that arent are Covidians. They can’t ever admit they were gullible enough to go along.
I agree. I like Trump and will vote for him but I wish he would give up on that "vaccine" shit.

David L

IPCT Contributor
Aug 2, 2019
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Paul is spelling it out but has few friends in government to help. Curious why so many want to ignore it.

Why? Every fucking Politician and bureaucrat is on the take. And those few that arent are Covidians. They can’t ever admit they were gullible enough to go along.
They are all Big Parma Investors...


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Sep 5, 2016
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New Report Raises Concerns That CDC Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System Is Broken
New Report Raises Concerns That CDC Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System Is Broken | ZeroHedge

CDC Isn't Investigating Serious Adverse Events for COVID-19 Vaccines
According to the CDC, in 2019—prior to the pandemic—VAERS received more than 48,000 reports of vaccine adverse events, 85 to 90 percent of which were mild. After the COVID-19 vaccine rollout, The BMJ found an “unprecedented” 1.7 million adverse events were reported to VAERS, with 1 million reported in 2021 and an additional 660,000 received thereafter. Nearly 1 in 5 cases met the criteria for a “serious” adverse event, and most reports were attributed to COVID-19 vaccines.

React19, a science-based non-profit comprised of 30,000 people injured by COVID-19 vaccines, reviewed 126 VAERS reports and found 22 percent were never given a permanent VAERS ID, and 1 of 3 reports filed disappeared from the system entirely, according to The BMJ.

An intensive care and emergency physician filed several reports on behalf of patients, including six deaths. According to The BMJ, she only received a request for medical records regarding one death and for only two patients admitted to the hospital.

When it comes to reports of death following COVID-19 vaccination, other countries have acknowledged that deaths were “likely” or “probably” related to mRNA vaccination, but the CDC has reviewed more than 20,000 preliminary death reports, which is significantly more than other countries, yet has not attributed a single death to mRNA vaccines, The BMJ stated.


BIT Beta Team
Jan 5, 2016
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SE Michigan USA


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Sep 5, 2016
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The Army Is Begging Unvaccinated Soldiers To Return
The Army Is Begging Unvaccinated Soldiers To Return | ZeroHedge

........ The United States Army is now begging COVID unvaccinated soldiers, who underwent involuntary discharge for their refusal to take the vaccine, to return to service and also permits them to correct their military records!

Just two years ago, in a shameful campaign, the Pentagon was gleefully discharging soldiers who refused to take Covid vaccines:

.......... COVID vaccinations and other reasons “caused [the army’s] end strength to fall from an original level of 485,000 in late 2021 to around 452,000 active duty soldiers today”.
Now, COVID vaccinations are all but forgotten, but the bitterness, nastiness, and senselessness of the mandates should be remembered. Remember how those dismissals were cheered by the media, such as the LA Times:

I am sorry about the destroyed careers of the best service members. They kept their health — they will get military discharge papers corrected — but they will always remember the unfairness, the trauma, and the helplessness they felt as their commanders dismissed them for not taking experimental and non-working COVID vaccines.

Life is not fair; the soldiers have not been compensated, but they at least remained healthy and true to their principles.

Please appreciate how hard it was for those brave souls to stick to their principles: their entire lives and careers were being wrecked by the illegal COVID orders. These are courageous people - and the military needs stoic and strong heroes, of which 8,331 were dismissed due to insane orders of the Biden administration.


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Sep 5, 2016
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It truly was all planned. Even I didnt think it possible..

The COVID Caper Gradually Unravels
The COVID Caper Gradually Unravels | ZeroHedge

Think back to those grim days of mid-March 2020. Many things didn't make sense. There were screams about a new virus but no tests available for anyone to find out if we had the dreaded disease or not. The main question in everyone’s mind was, “How can I find out if I have this strange new bug?”

The seal of the Department of Homeland Security at the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement building in Washington on June 28, 2023. (Madalina Vasiliu/The Epoch Times)

Hold on just a moment there. If there were no tests, how do we know that there was a reason to panic? If there were only a handful of positive tests, how do we know for sure that the virus wasn’t here and spreading months earlier? Maybe what they were calling COVID-19 was here for a year or more.

Was there really any way to know? Sure, we could have done seroprevalence tests on the population, but there were none underway. The one that came out earliest, in May 2020, showed that exposure had already happened by March, a fact which completely undermines the entire cockamamie policy response. The study was brutally attacked.

Why precisely was it mid-March 2020 when all official institutions, including media, not just in the United States but all over the world, decided suddenly to freak out? Why not in January 2020? Why at all?

Indeed, it wasn't even clear what the point of the lockdowns was. Were we trying to make the virus go away through brute force? Early on, then-Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Dr. Anthony Fauci even told The Washington Post that the virus would be defeated by social distancing alone.

What precisely would be the point of delaying infection and spread by two weeks, then another two weeks, and so on? There are endless questions. How did we know how many ventilators were going to be needed and where? And ventilation itself is a strange approach in any case, since it's so deeply damaging and even deadly.

There was zero evidence in mid-March that this virus was potentially fatal for working-age people, and even among healthy elderly people, the survival rate was extremely high.

Another strange fact of those days was that they kept screaming that there was no treatment. Well, are we sure of that? No one in official channels was looking for treatments. How do we find treatments? By talking to experienced doctors who treat patients. But every time one of them spoke out, they were quickly and brutally shouted down and denounced.

As it turns out, many clinical physicians did, in fact, discover very effective treatments, from Vitamin D to hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin. Huge and well-connected private sources of wealth funded deeply flawed studies that were trying to debunk them.

There was a ton of prattle about a vaccine, but this never made sense of any history of such products. A coronavirus is fast-mutating. Never before had there been a vaccine for the same virus that fuels half the common colds. There was no reason to expect that such a product would ever arrive. Even if it did, it would take five to 10 years to pass safety and efficacy tests. Plus, there's always a grave danger of vaccinating your way out of a pandemic: It can drive mutations and wreck immune systems.

Again, all of this was known, not even controversial a year earlier. Still, in the chaos of those lockdown days, vaccine producers were given billions in tax dollars for development, all the privileges that come with “emergency use,” and wide indemnification against injury. Why is this not, and very obviously, an extremely bad idea?

Knowing that all of this was happening, alongside the locking down of the country, was enough reason for any discerning individual to cry foul. But there was another problem: We were by and large forbidden from gathering in groups. There could be no meetings. The few that took place were denounced by the media. Most were simply illegal.

The world was in chaos, and the professional class that could have put the pieces together was forced into a kind of digital isolation and paid the big bucks to sit around at home. Everyone was told that doing so was saving lives, even though there wasn't a shred of evidence that this was true. But the media was howling in absolute union as if any of this made sense.

As the months went on, there were other crazy things happening, such as the gradual discovery that the PCR tests were good only for discovering the presence of the virus but nearly useless for delineating sick from not sick. Everything positive was declared a case, even though in the past the word “case” was reserved for people who were actually sick and in need of some treatment.

We were told to test, test, test, but there was never an action item of what to do with a positive case. Isolate, fine. That was for somehow “controlling the spread,” but for how long were we going to attempt to do that? If everyone was going to get this thing and develop immunity, what precisely could have been the point in all of the disruption and destruction?

Coincident with all this insanity, Congress was authorizing trillions and trillions of dollars in spending bills, generating debt that the Federal Reserve would buy with new money that was sure to generate inflation at a later date. Had all fiscal sanity just been thrown out the window?

Also in the midst of all of this, we had an extreme relaxation of ballot rules over voting. This happened right away and prepared a path for an explosion of the mail-in ballots that would decide the election against President Donald Trump.

Then you had the emergence of intense censorship from all main social media accounts. Before Joe Biden was inaugurated, President Trump was removed by Twitter entirely. Over the following week, the social media site Parler was shut down by Amazon, which was hosting its website, just before the app was removed from Apple.

At this point, it should have been obvious what was happening here: Media was being nationalized, bit by bit; all important sectors of it, in any case—that which reaches the 99 percent.

Now, at this point in the narrative, we were invited to believe that all of these weird things were discreet incidents, perhaps various interest groups piling on to take advantage of the chaos.

Some people, at the time, said there was no way that this was all the unfolding of a giant conspiracy. Governments aren't that smart. Consider all that had to come together: media-generated panic with no serious outliers, bad PCR testing, neglect of therapeutics, mass intubation, indemnification of vaccine makers, global lockdowns, media censorship, social media takedowns, cancellation of dissent, relaxation of voting rules, worst inflation and spending in 40 years, and I’m probably missing a few things.

Surely all of this couldn't have been planned from the top.

Maybe. And yet this week, we’ve been presented with incredible evidence of how the government worked very closely with social media companies through third-party institutions that were themselves funded by the government. They flagged accounts for takedowns. This so-called switchboarding was deployed to hide censorship.

I knew all of this, but the evidence is now all before us. It’s an avalanche of confirmation of our worst suppositions.

Here's what stands out to me. We now have emails from April 2020 showing that Twitter officials knew for sure that the Election Integrity Partnership of the Stanford Internet Observatory was being established by the Cybersecurity and Information Security Agency of the Department of Homeland Security precisely to monitor and control social media.

One can presume that these efforts began a few weeks earlier, roughly fitting the timeline of the censorship efforts together with lockdowns.

In other words, it all happened at once. From what we can see, the turning point was March 13, 2020. That was the date of the coup. It was never announced. It just happened. The lockdowns and public panic were the dry ice deployed by magicians to hide their tricks.
Aug 8, 2018
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Spring, Texas
So they state: “The safety of our patients is our highest priority,". If this was true, why did it take two years to figure this out?


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Sep 5, 2016
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CDC Claims On Vaccination And Natural Immunity Made Without Seeing Underlying Data: FOIA Document
CDC Claims On Vaccination And Natural Immunity Made Without Seeing Underlying Data: FOIA Document | ZeroHedge

In a new Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) response, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) now admits that it recommended COVID-19 vaccines for people who had recovered from COVID-19 despite the fact that CDC subject matter experts didn't have access to the underlying data.

A lawyer who specializes in FOIA cases subsequently made a formal request for the data underlying the study. Last week, the CDC replied by admitting that the CDC didn't have this data. According to the CDC, the data was held by an "external partner organization and was maintained by a contractor." Notably, the CDC also acknowledged that "CDC subject matter experts didn't receive copies of the raw data prior to the contract termination."
Put another way, the CDC made its vaccination recommendation for people who already had COVID-19 without ever seeing or having had access to the underlying data. Furthermore, that data is now no longer available, meaning that neither the CDC, nor the general public, may ever know what it said.

Pfizer’s emergency use authorization specifically stated that the “available data are insufficient to determine whether such individuals could benefit from vaccination.” Moderna’s emergency use authorization acknowledged that its vaccine study “was not designed to assess the benefit in individuals with prior SARS-CoV-2 infection.” Johnson and Johnson’s emergency use authorization used similar wording.

When it was pointed out in 2021 that the emergency use authorizations for COVID-19 vaccines didn't account for people who had already had the disease, Twitter (now known as X) promptly marked this fact as misinformation.

The existence of natural immunity, meaning that the human body remembers how to fight off diseases that it has previously been afflicted with, has been known since ancient Greek times. When the plague tore through ancient Athens in 430 B.C., Thucydides noted that those who had been previously afflicted weren't getting sick. He stated that "the same man was never attacked twice–never at least fatally." However, when COVID-19 broke out, the CDC appears to have cast aside 2,500 years' worth of medical wisdom. As we now know, the CDC did this without accessing or analyzing the underlying data.


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Jul 16, 2015
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I have had long term care insurance for the wife and myself for about 40 years. Over the years 2 or 3 times we have been offered an inflation increase in coverage for a modest amount. We just received another inflation offering but this time for an increase of coverage of about 15% our premiums will more than double! Could it have anything to do with the huge spike in "unexpected deaths" that insurance companies are seeing since the covid shots? Of course I can thank Biden for inflation, that certainly has something to do with it and my age also is a factor.

David L

IPCT Contributor
Aug 2, 2019
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I have had long term care insurance for the wife and myself for about 40 years. Over the years 2 or 3 times we have been offered an inflation increase in coverage for a modest amount. We just received another inflation offering but this time for an increase of coverage of about 15% our premiums will more than double! Could it have anything to do with the huge spike in "unexpected deaths" that insurance companies are seeing since the covid shots? Of course I can thank Biden for inflation, that certainly has something to do with it and my age also is a factor.
My mother had a long term care policy that she also paid for several decades. Thinking around $300 a month. It paid off for her big time. She ended up in her last 3 1/2 years in a memory care unit, since it was not considered a certified nursing facility the policy paid 80%. This worked great in that her social security made up the remaining 20% so she did not have to touch her savings except for a few months that she had a 24/7 sitter that the policy would not cover. My brother added up what she paid all those years and she got all her money back.

She had others buy the same policy but they later dropped the coverage, think her brother still has the policy. It is a rare policy now a days, it covered 100% care for life.