Privacy Invasion CCTV Style...


Known around here
Jul 30, 2020
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So and your PTZ can only watch street and when zooming into windows a miracle privacy mask appears ?

One install PTZ , watching street, sees boobies when playing around, take manual control and zooms in.

Apple and oranges ?

Even worser when having kids and a pervert has a PTZ. What can you do ?

Like already said here. Fixed cam with 3.6/2.8mm cannot see much. Even varifocal is pointing to one direction, so you can see what area it records.

But PTZ with 25x zoom ?
There is nothing keeping me from using my PTZ to look into windows other than the law and my wanting to be a proper person.
There is nothing keeping me from pointing a fixed cam into a neighbors house window other than the law and my wanting to be a proper person.
There is nothing keeping me from attaching a camera to my neighbor's window and looking inside their house other than the law and my wanting to be a proper person.

There is nothing keeping me from using binoculars and looking into my neighbor's windows.

There is nothing keeping me from crossing the painted line in the middle of the road and going head on into other traffic.
There is nothing keeping me from crossing the center of the road, where no painted line is present, and going head on into other traffic.

At some point you need to accept the fact that not doing bad things is what makes a proper person a proper person and there are people that will not follow these laws or guidelines.

You can have anti-voyeurism and anti-peeping tom laws, but they will not stop someone. The law is only there to justify and apply the punishment of the action.

However, if I can readily see inside of a building from a place that is accessible to the public, then there is no expectation of privacy. If I come up to the window, on your property, and look through a small opening in the curtains then this is different. BUT I would argue that there is a line where expectation of privacy is also reasonable. An example would be the FOV into your second floor window from the sidewalk vs my roof mounted PTZ. You have the expectation that the upper windows can only be seen from a certain angle and could argue that viewing from a higher elevation would violate that expectation.

David L

IPCT Contributor
Aug 2, 2019
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So we all see/hear things happen, with a camera we can share the things we see/hear. IMO that is where the line needs to be drawn. Sharing with someone that you caught the biggest fish and it got away but having proof with a camera picture/feed is one thing, sharing a sex scene from a neighbor is another. I think the permission laws are valid, maybe someone wants that sex scene shared, now a days, but I don't...I also think we share way too much now a days too...YouTube :p Facebook, Twitter...


IPCT Contributor
Apr 28, 2019
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There is nothing keeping me from using my PTZ to look into windows other than the law and my wanting to be a proper person.
There is nothing keeping me from pointing a fixed cam into a neighbors house window other than the law and my wanting to be a proper person.
There is nothing keeping me from attaching a camera to my neighbor's window and looking inside their house other than the law and my wanting to be a proper person.

There is nothing keeping me from using binoculars and looking into my neighbor's windows.

There is nothing keeping me from crossing the painted line in the middle of the road and going head on into other traffic.
There is nothing keeping me from crossing the center of the road, where no painted line is present, and going head on into other traffic.

At some point you need to accept the fact that not doing bad things is what makes a proper person a proper person and there are people that will not follow these laws or guidelines.

You can have anti-voyeurism and anti-peeping tom laws, but they will not stop someone. The law is only there to justify and apply the punishment of the action.

However, if I can readily see inside of a building from a place that is accessible to the public, then there is no expectation of privacy. If I come up to the window, on your property, and look through a small opening in the curtains then this is different. BUT I would argue that there is a line where expectation of privacy is also reasonable. An example would be the FOV into your second floor window from the sidewalk vs my roof mounted PTZ. You have the expectation that the upper windows can only be seen from a certain angle and could argue that viewing from a higher elevation would violate that expectation.

And until you violate the law, unless the law of your community specifically doesn't allow cameras seeing property that isn't yours, nothing can be done by a neighbor until you violate a law.

No different than the scumbag walking by that we know is up to no good. You can be a Karen and call the police, but if they didn't break the law, nothing the police can do.

Same with the scumbag checking car doors - until they break a window or steal something, nothing the police can do.

Same with the 3am ding dong ditch - it sucks but nothing the police can do.

And then you have the police asking for your info like what @ponyrider127 here has that I am sure is zoomed in way tighter than what the OP is complaining about (picture of the drug dealers using binoculars looking back at his property):


To the OP - so NONE of your cameras record anything outside of your property?

And another thread talking about recording in public areas. Fact is, at least in most if not all the USA, having cameras pointed to and recording anything that can be seen from public areas is ok.



Known around here
Dec 9, 2020
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Havana, Cuba
So and your PTZ can only watch street and when zooming into windows a miracle privacy mask appears ?

One install PTZ , watching street, sees boobies when playing around, take manual control and zooms in.

Apple and oranges ?

Even worser when having kids and a pervert has a PTZ. What can you do ?

Like already said here. Fixed cam with 3.6/2.8mm cannot see much. Even varifocal is pointing to one direction, so you can see what area it records.

But PTZ with 25x zoom ?
Sir, you are creating a straw man argument. I will reiterate that a public street does not afford any reasonable expectation of privacy. If a woman is wearing a low-cut top then she should expect for more of her bare skin to be seen. Many would argue that she is dressed in such a manner for this exact purpose. Kids are allowed to play in public places and others are allowed to look at them. Recording them and distributing it for nefarious purposes is a different story.

Having said that, one can't take a picture up a woman's skirt. But taking a picture of anyone in a public place and publishing it has been done since photograph was invented.

As others have pointed out, cameras, like other devices such as cars, are legal but can be used in illegal, and unethical, ways.


Getting comfortable
May 26, 2022
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Berlin, Deutschland
Love how you said "Apple and Oranges" , now you compare taking pictures of a crowd (or one person) in public vs. watching other houses with PTZ cameras.

Moreover some people think that their cameras are a target for china government , companies watching videos stored in cloud, putting tapes on webcam of computer etc and still recording other people homes.

So i get the point @CanCuba .. and already wrote it before

watching others = ok,
beeing watched by others = not ok.

This is the thread about, someone complaining having ZERO privacy in front of his house and maybe have a camera system recording other. As some already mention, as its legal to do, give up your own privacy and live with it. Life goes on.


Known around here
Jul 2, 2019
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Land down down under
What: My neighbor has installed a high resolution security camera
Where: pointing directly at my patio and into my garage and my driveway and my front lawn.
Opinion: I now have ZERO privacy in front of my house. I cannot have a conversation without that audio being recorded.
Statement: I feel like I'm being harassed.

Sounds like you have lost trust in your neighbours. Your neighbours and yourself should be looking out for each other.
You should have a good relationship that you can talk to them about your privacy issues.

What are my options to disable (blind) the camera video and prevent the microphone from recording useful audio?
  1. -Can legally I blind the camera with some light source?
  2. -What type of light source would blind the camera effectively? What would work well for day and night?
  3. -How might you render the audio useless? A speaker in the soffit of my home that plays the radio? A certain frequency or white noise?
Please make some suggestions.
  1. Intentionally trying to render someone else's property useless is likely a crime.
  2. Probably a laser, A flood light would help the camera at night. Shining lasers has the possibility to permanently render the camera useless (and you have damaged property) and if the laser aim changes it could blind a person (lawsuit).
  3. Audio doesn't get affected much now days... cameras and post-processing software can remove most background noise without issues. Camera are tuned to pick up human audible frequencies, white noise would be like the wind blowing to a camera and easy to remove. Blasting a train horn 24/7 could be one way.... but not practical.

What are your options?
  • Don't coward to the internet for how to start a neighbours war.
  • Be friendly and polite as you talk to your neighbour!
  • Ask to view what area camera can see, including zooming in to see what pixel density is on your property. Likely you won't even be able to recognise a face far away.
  • Suggest adding a privacy blur in the camera's settings.
  • Ask them if they would be willing to share video footage if you are victim to a (e.g) burglary - They bought the camera, they pay the power and you got video evidence for your property. Win-win.


Getting comfortable
Feb 25, 2022
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Just curious, the neighbor has cameras pointed at your property.... but are they actually looking onto your property?
I have cameras pointed that LOOK like they are pointed straight onto my neighbors properties, however, they are actually looking at my own property due to the height/angle, etc... I even showed my next door neighbor what I was seeing through a camera that LOOKS like it's pointed directly at their back deck.
What I see versus what they THINK I see was a big difference and they were amazed at the difference.

I do have a couple cameras that could potentially see a neighbors window. I can't see anything through that window, but I still put a privacy mask on it. Why take a chance?


Pulling my weight
Jul 16, 2018
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In my case I had to gather evidence of criminal activity then spend an hour in the sheriff's office and having undercover detectives at my house for 2 1/2 hours watching video and photos. Only after that they wanted me to do surveillance on what they wanted me to record. I have been watching for over two years resulting in 2 of them being arrested twice for manufacturing, distributing and possession. Another one in prison for gun possession by a felon. 2 conservation police arrest for poaching. One EPA fine for burning plastic off of wire. They never found where all the wire came from. The whole neighbor hood wants them gone.


Getting comfortable
Dec 13, 2018
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North Carolina
One of my security cameras caught a car crash behind my home. One of the two vehicles was a black van and about 4-5 guys bolted and took off running after the wreck. I called the PD non emergency number and told them I had video footage and asked where to send it. He pulled up the accident information to get the investigating officers name and he specifically asked me if the video showed anyone running from the scene. I saved the video clip and emailed it to the investigator but never heard anything back from them...not even a thank you response. My neighbor's house got shot at random during a late night drive by but unfortunately my cameras weren't installed yet otherwise they would have recorded it.


Known around here
Sep 17, 2021
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Tennessee USA
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Known around here
Sep 25, 2017
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2 ways to look at this.

1. Invasion of privacy

2. Your neighbour is securing your property

If it's not looking into your windows directly using a zoom but just generally capturing the front, I'd see it as the latter especially as it's on the front. Also, consider where the centre of the lens is pointing, they could be pointintg at the centre of the raod trying to protect their property from perps in cars. It could even be an LPR camera at that.

If you have concerns, you could try politely speaking to your neighbour and asking them to show you what's covered. For all you know, if it's a professional camera as on here, they may have used privacy masking over your windows. That's what I've done with my neighbour although they've never asked. My camera points directly at my house and a long way away from the join between us, but the edge of the picture captures their back windows, so I've privacy masked the lot. That way there can be no issues other than I won't catch anyone breaking in. That said, they have their own cameras so no real issue there.