Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?


Getting comfortable
Apr 9, 2019
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other priorities? this is all in their plans for the world domination, lots more to come, stronger viruses, (the age of gassing people is over) bigger warships, space weapons, taking control of earth minerals, aquiring new land, and the greedy scum here and abroad will help them. - check out "all" the news sources, not just the generic paid by corporate sponsored ones..


Known around here
Dec 21, 2017
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Are you kidding? They are well into their 2nd wave. You need to expand you news sources. By the way their crematories are working full blast in China.
No, not kidding. I read a variety of news sources and discard things I don't consider credible, no matter the source.

Do I believe the official Chinese death toll numbers? No. But I also don't believe some of the wild-eyed ravings that suggest hundreds of thousands of dead there either. People I know and trust who have researched it more deeply than me think they underestimated by on the order of 10x. That would still put them WELL SOUTH of the US death toll, which is also an under-representation, though my a much smaller factor (all told we are probably 10% shy).

In the course of my job I get logistics reports about medical package movement in China. Things were bad for a while, then cleared up. There have been spotty outbreaks here and there since March but nothing suggesting a second wave. More like small ripples. China's response is swift and draconian and very effective. I wouldn't want to live there but if the goal is to minimize impact of the virus, they have a good playbook.

And to @juliand , it's been conclusively shown that the virus is natural. They didn't make it. Maybe it leaked from a study lab, maybe not, but it's not engineered by China. Yes, China wants to dominate the world in various ways. No, COVID-19 isn't a disease they created.

So I stand by my statement that the US is more threat to China and frankly much of the rest of the world, than the rest of the world is to us. None of us trust the China numbers so let's compare us and Europe:


Europe peaked in late march and then stabilized by late May to about one sixth to one eighth the number of new cases every day. US peaked a bit later but the case peak hasn't dropped by more than maybe 30%. Testing in US and mcuh EU is comparable in terms of saturation so the refrain of "we're testing too many people" doesn't hold water. And even if it did (and a case can be made by selectively picking data), there's still the fact that in many states both testing AND % positives are on the rise, with several states now seeing the increase in hospitalizations one would expect as a consequence. TAKEAWAY: Europe had a rough time of it but has dramatically reduced the outbreak and spread. We've just gotten past the worst of our first wave but have not effectively reduced the spread of the virus..

OK, that's it for me until later... busy day today.


Known around here
Dec 19, 2015
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Cypress, California
Just a few stories about China's 2nd wave of Covid-19. Many more available.



Known around here
Feb 26, 2017
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They can claim whatever they want. They're good in making up stories. Here goes the blame game. They're so good in surveillance, why not just have open borders so that all countries can put their worries to the side. Who needs political borders? Lol :p

Just a few stories about China's 2nd wave of Covid-19. Many more available.



Known around here
Dec 21, 2017
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The Forbes article was pretty good; only had time for that one. We really can't call what's happening in Beijing a wave. It's a handful of cases, stomped flat quickly.

Meanwhile Florida is in crisis, well on its way to lockdown 2.0.

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Known around here
Feb 26, 2017
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And pretty soon that will result in a ripple effect across the very fabric of this nation again if other states don't act soon. Let's not forget that Georgia is a neighboring state of Florida and we've all seen how that went. That escalated pretty quickly :facepalm:

The Forbes article was pretty good; only had time for that one. We really can't call what's happening in Beijing a wave. It's a handful of cases, stomped flat quickly.

Meanwhile Florida is in crisis, well on its way to lockdown 2.0.

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Known around here
Jun 30, 2018
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SOLUTION: quit taking a dump....



Known around here
Feb 26, 2017
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Who doesn't want to talk about Corona-shit these days? :rofl:

SOLUTION: quit taking a dump....



Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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@Sybertiger @bigredfish :eek:

What the heck is happening down in Florida?

It’s summer. Back in the 90’s, and I would have to say that on the few occasions I’ve been to a store (2X each in two months,) Publix grocery and the local gun store to pick up my new riot suppression device, I’m one of the few wearing a mask.

Lots of people in restaurants (this has to be the capitol of eating out) and the 20-40 crowd is partying in the bars like nothing happened. Oh and we have an older demographic.

I dunno, folks seem to have just blown it off. Of course that’s coming back to bite them in the ass. I suspect we’ll see deaths increase in about 3 weeks with the natural lag.

Mayor just implemented mandatory masks in Orange County for everyone no matter where you are.

I had Publix deliver my groceries today...


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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In the course of my job I get logistics reports about medical package movement in China...


And to @juliand , it's been conclusively shown that the virus is natural. They didn't make it. Maybe it leaked from a study lab, maybe not, but it's not engineered by China. Yes, China wants to dominate the world in various ways. No, COVID-19 isn't a disease they created.
HI @Frankenscript

Cool let us know what your data shows on the medical package movements.

In terms of the virus being natural - I think the jury is still out on that one.

We need more data to know more, so far have not found a natural ancestor on it so imho we really can not rule fully on man manipulated vs natural occurring. Either way, we're a way before we get out of the woods on this one.

RRAR potential furin cleavage site




Known around here
Dec 19, 2015
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Cypress, California
Beijing closes all schools, bracing for a 2nd wave of the coronavirus

Beijing, China, shuttered in-person classes for all schools on Tuesday, bracing for a new wave of the coronavirus. The closure goes into effect Wednesday.

The capital hub of 20 million people had gone more than 50 consecutive days without a new recorded case of COVID-19, the disease caused by the new virus. But last weekend, city officials reported a cluster of 87 new cases, the Financial Times reported, 46 of which were asymptomatic. That cluster emerged in Xinfadi, the largest produce and seafood market in the city.

Xinfadi was closed over the weekend, as were several residential buildings on the west side of Beijing. More than 100 people have gone into a 14-day quarantine.



BIT Beta Team
Aug 23, 2019
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The capital hub of 20 million people had gone more than 50 consecutive days without a new recorded case of COVID-19

Yeah. Sure, China. We believe you. I'm guessing this new wave will be from some other part of the world and you are now off the hook.


Known around here
Feb 26, 2017
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There's a good chance this is just a mutated form that stemmed off the existing strain in Mainland China. We cannot forget where COVID-19 started from. Sure, CCP will not admit this. Their economy is dwindling as things are slowing down at port and consumers are not as confident as they were prior to the pandemic. Pretty, soon the CCP will shift their resources to territorial expansion. :facepalm:

This is the time to give other countries a chance to grow. Quite frankly, there is no better time than now.

Yeah. Sure, China. We believe you. I'm guessing this new wave will be from some other part of the world and you are now off the hook.


Known around here
Dec 21, 2017
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Not much time today. Tried to take afternoon off; failed miserably. But got a major project at work done. :headbang:

OK, let's review. THE SARS-COV2 virus is not man made. Period. It was fully sequenced long months ago; it has no markers of human manipulation (despite debunked claims the contrary), some of the sequences were unknown to science before it appeared (but now are known to come from natural sources), and the technology to engineer it in a way we couldn't detect simply doesn't exist. There are many debunking articles out there from whatever stripe you prefer, but here was a good one:

I've read many things on this from the entire spectrum of ideology and I trust that the virus is natural. Whether it leaded from a lab in which it might have been being studied or not, I can't say.

I also reviewed logistics reports today; things are surprisingly normal for intra-China shipments. This supports the small scale nature of the outbreak of cases. China is draconian but effective in their response. The big question is will they see a second wave or will it be a series of these tiny farts of cases. I mean, they are shutting down large sectors of their capitol city for a few hundred cases. By comparison, Indiana today reported 389 cases and 23 deaths, and we are on the "opening up trend." Our average ICU utilization by COVID is quite low but specific hospitals in the state are close to full. On another forum I correspond with an emergency responder and he told me the surprising fact that his hospital is full up; I didn't realize how spotty this thing is.

I remain disgusted at how few people wear masks. If everyone masked up this thing could be over in time for incumbent politicians to declare victory over it. I was at the dentist today; they have strict protocols and you wait in the car until your appointment, call to make sure waiting room is clear, masks are required for patients except when they are being actively worked on, and the staff are PPEed up the wazoo. They also had me use a disinfectant rinse that was super yucky. I applaud them.

Another record day for Florida cases, >3800. 42 deaths. Georgia not far behind.


Known around here
Feb 26, 2017
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The claim is highly subjective; people are saying that it was man-made because someone was not practicing good hygiene ;)

Not much time today. Tried to take afternoon off; failed miserably. But got a major project at work done. :headbang:

OK, let's review. THE SARS-COV2 virus is not man made. Period. It was fully sequenced long months ago; it has no markers of human manipulation (despite debunked claims the contrary), some of the sequences were unknown to science before it appeared (but now are known to come from natural sources), and the technology to engineer it in a way we couldn't detect simply doesn't exist. There are many debunking articles out there from whatever stripe you prefer, but here was a good one:

I've read many things on this from the entire spectrum of ideology and I trust that the virus is natural. Whether it leaded from a lab in which it might have been being studied or not, I can't say.

I also reviewed logistics reports today; things are surprisingly normal for intra-China shipments. This supports the small scale nature of the outbreak of cases. China is draconian but effective in their response. The big question is will they see a second wave or will it be a series of these tiny farts of cases. I mean, they are shutting down large sectors of their capitol city for a few hundred cases. By comparison, Indiana today reported 389 cases and 23 deaths, and we are on the "opening up trend." Our average ICU utilization by COVID is quite low but specific hospitals in the state are close to full. On another forum I correspond with an emergency responder and he told me the surprising fact that his hospital is full up; I didn't realize how spotty this thing is.

I remain disgusted at how few people wear masks. If everyone masked up this thing could be over in time for incumbent politicians to declare victory over it. I was at the dentist today; they have strict protocols and you wait in the car until your appointment, call to make sure waiting room is clear, masks are required for patients except when they are being actively worked on, and the staff are PPEed up the wazoo. They also had me use a disinfectant rinse that was super yucky. I applaud them.

Another record day for Florida cases, >3800. 42 deaths. Georgia not far behind.


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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Not much time today. Tried to take afternoon off; failed miserably. But got a major project at work done. :headbang:

OK, let's review. THE SARS-COV2 virus is not man made. Period. It was fully sequenced long months ago; it has no markers of human manipulation (despite debunked claims the contrary), some of the sequences were unknown to science before it appeared (but now are known to come from natural sources), and the technology to engineer it in a way we couldn't detect simply doesn't exist. There are many debunking articles out there from whatever stripe you prefer, but here was a good one:

I've read many things on this from the entire spectrum of ideology and I trust that the virus is natural. Whether it leaded from a lab in which it might have been being studied or not, I can't say.

I also reviewed logistics reports today; things are surprisingly normal for intra-China shipments. This supports the small scale nature of the outbreak of cases. China is draconian but effective in their response. The big question is will they see a second wave or will it be a series of these tiny farts of cases. I mean, they are shutting down large sectors of their capitol city for a few hundred cases. By comparison, Indiana today reported 389 cases and 23 deaths, and we are on the "opening up trend." Our average ICU utilization by COVID is quite low but specific hospitals in the state are close to full. On another forum I correspond with an emergency responder and he told me the surprising fact that his hospital is full up; I didn't realize how spotty this thing is.

I remain disgusted at how few people wear masks. If everyone masked up this thing could be over in time for incumbent politicians to declare victory over it. I was at the dentist today; they have strict protocols and you wait in the car until your appointment, call to make sure waiting room is clear, masks are required for patients except when they are being actively worked on, and the staff are PPEed up the wazoo. They also had me use a disinfectant rinse that was super yucky. I applaud them.

Another record day for Florida cases, >3800. 42 deaths. Georgia not far behind.
Hi Frankenscript...

Re: it has no markers of human manipulation (despite debunked claims the contrary.. )
Note: Old style splicing left traces... new methods do not

DO NOT trust main stream media.. they are not doing a good job.

Go to the scientific resource material to find out what is possible and what is not.

Also check the references in the MSM .. they often are quoting people whose jobs depend on this not being man manipulated.

2) Thanks for the update on intra-China shipments. That's good news.

Hope we can see the US drop the bs attacks between the parties and team up to beat this... unfortunately at this point looks like too much damage done. China PRC did a good job tossing SARS2 out to the world, they have a good chance to win this game atm.


Known around here
Dec 21, 2017
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Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. Unless I see something compelling to the contrary this is just a natural virus.

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