I just turned on logging in my firewall for that port for a month, then grabbed all of the AWS IP's hitting it (Rekor) and made an alias for them. It can of course break, but so far it hasn't
I can access "OpenALPR Local Webservice Diagnostics".
I see, "To list keys in the database (requires diagnostic mode to be enabled) use /list?start=[epochms_start]&end=[epochms_end]", but I am not sure what they mean by "diagnostic mode". I tried using that URL with an epoch range and it gave a HTTP ERROR 500.
Hello everyone, sorry for the lack of updates been busy with work and family.
Version v5.0.0-alpha3 is in alpha right now if anyone wants to give it a try. There are a few changes:
General package upgrades.
Dropped preview jpeg columns from db, no longer used.
Added indexes to speed up filters query.
Tweaked plate statistics query for faster response.
Split plate/vehicle images into separate table for faster queries.
Added optional image compression.
Upgraded to .net 7, docker dotnet build sdk and runtime images to latest.
Upgraded to Angular 16.
Replaced deprecated Angular flex-layout with flexbox.
Added web request calls being cancelled when navigating away from pages.
Fixed logging to save to correct folder.
Fixed issue with JWT not being secure enough.
Fixed issue with logging out not clearing tokens.
Improved the responsiveness of displaying the vehicle and plate images on mobile.
Slight changes to displaying ignored plates.
Depending on database size and the storage medium (ssd, nvme, hdd) the database is on, the first time startup after upgrading is going to take a while, SQLite doesn't support dropping columns without rebuilding the entire database, adding the indexes to speed up multiple queries and moving the plate/vehicle images out to a separate table will take a while. My 40GB db on a nvme took around 1.5 hours to migrate. All the changes are worth it, after the migration larger databases will see improved response times for queries. I saw decreases from 6-10s down to 1-2s for basic queries.
The UI will not be available during the migration. If you see CPU and disk activity you can assume the migration is still in process.
Back up your processor.db before trying the alpha in case something goes wrong! If you try out v5 you will not be able to use the same processor.db file on v4, it is not backwards compatible.
I reverse engineered the web socket connection between the rekor agent and the cloud and have a basic form of it implemented in the app. v5.1.0-alpha4 adds this websocket support. in your aplrd.conf file make sure websockets_enabled = 1 is set and the upload_address = has https, this won't work over http
v5.1.0-alpha16 adds support for modifying the camera masks the agent uses. You can view the last 10 plates captured and switch to a snapshot view from what the camera is currently seeing to create the mask.
So last time time I reverted to a snapshot I took before the upgrade, as it didn't seem to be working. I think I just didn't wait long enough
Last night at around 10PM I upgraded to the latest container version, and saw very low IO but a lot of CPU, just like before. I monitored the directory with the database in and saw the processor.db-shm and processor.db-wal growing in size, so clearly something was happening
This morning, still no UI so I figured it failed, but checking iotop I now see 250MB/s of disk read, so it must still be working, but taking forever
Problem is, search doesn't work at all. Every time I hit search I get this in the log
[02:27:57 ERR] An exception was thrown attempting to execute the error handler.
System.InvalidOperationException: The SPA default page middleware could not return the default page '/index.html' because it was not found, and no other middleware handled the request.
My DB is also double the size now, wondering if something went wrong
sqlite doesn't handle drop/create operations very well. while your db size has double, half of it is "unused" sqlite doesn't give up storage space unless you run a vacuum. you can run it yourself if you want to shrink the db https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18126997/how-to-vacuum-sqlite-database
Try running a browser incognito and see if it works then, you might have some frontend code cached.
I recently got into LPR cameras and am finding this tool to be a valuable asset, so thank you to @mlapaglia for creating this! Before I'd have to check the snapshots for any activities which was trivial at best. I wanted to add some of my notes here for anyone running MacOS with a M1 chip or better. Specifically, I was having trouble maintaining a stable Docker instance. About every hour or so I'd get a corrupted memory error which I think is the result of incompatibilities between .NET, Docker, and M1, though that's just an educated guess.
My solution was to run this natively on my system until I can get better performance from Docker. So far I've had it running flawlessly for a few days with no crashes. Here are the steps I took:
If you run into port 5000 already in use, change it to something else in launchSettings.json. Make sure you forward that port on your router so cloud.openalpr.com can communicate with it. The port forwarding is unfortunate, but I don't see a way past it unless running an on-premise server.
To have the app auto start on login:
Create a shell script with: “pkill -9 OpenAlprW; pkill -9 OpenAlprWebhookProcessor; cd /yourlocalpath/OpenAlprWebhookProcessor/OpenAlprWebhookProcessor; nohup dotnet run &”
The nohup command will allow it to run in the background without the terminal.
The need to kill the process is strange. Maybe it wasn’t completely killing the process when I was logging out to test, so this script will make sure it’s done.
Add the script as a launch item in MacOS preferences.
See logs here: “tail -f /yourlocalpath/OpenAlprWebhookProcessor/OpenAlprWebhookProcessor/config/log-[LATEST].txt”
Other notes:
Replace Magick.NET with this: “<PackageReference Include="Magick.NET-Q8-arm64" Version="13.5.0" />”.
Otherwise it errors out with x64.
Then rebuild your project and restart it.
Version 5.0.0 of the tool will produce an error with the Hydration Service. The way around this is to install 4.2.6 and set things up there. Then you can use that database to get the latest version working.
I’m hitting about 1.5GB a day in data. At some point, I may point the config to an external drive. This can be done by changing configurationDirectory in Startup.cs to point to your external drive, like “/Volumes/EXTERNALDRIVE/OpenAlprWebhookProcessor/config”.
I'm hoping this helps anyone else who wants to run this on MacOS!