Old School vs New School - Tree Height


Known around here
Aug 11, 2020
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Several weeks ago our team was tasked to install and deploy half a dozen PtP / PtmP RF transmitters on a personal level.

The primary goal was to extend the network connectivity for those in the bush line.

Unlike a real commercial install where a pole / tower is installed. A large percentage of the users can not afford to install the same. Given this is more for our local community and not tasked to be mission critical it was agreed that using existing tall trees to affix the same was a good compromise.

So long as everyone understood the variability of the connection due to wind / tree sway.

Regardless of the above lots of us have embraced technology to it’s fullest!

In rare cases the same (new tech) fail and one must know how to accomplish the same the old school way.

I can honestly say it’s been a real long time since being in school much less remembering how to calculate the height of something using simple & basic tools.

This great video explains how to accomplish this important task using the old school way.

Note: Our laser range / distance finder had two problems. One ran out of power and had no spare batteries. The other unit was damaged because someone left it on the car dash!

At the end of the day old school saved the day!

Rock On . . .


Known around here
Aug 11, 2020
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Some one was not a Scoutmaster.

That was a great resource link thanks! :thumb: I'm embarrassed to say I didn't follow the part where they explain how to determine the width of a body of water. I wasn't clear on the part when the narrator got to point C?? Put another way how did the boy know the actual location where he was standing was indeed the*correct* straight line / line of sight?? It's probably harder to explain this in writing vs seeing it on a piece of paper??


Known around here
Sep 25, 2021
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Back to the old geometry days! All he did is double check his 2 triangles. Side, angle ,side rule. To make a
triangle remotely to equal to the one measured.... 50++ years ago Geometry.
We do not care about the hypotenuse only 1 side or A>B. B>C and C>D (must be the same distance or paces).
Once E is aligned with C>A. Now our 2 triangles are the same and similar.(More of that math talk i just remembered)
Now solve for D>E (pace off) which you have now proven to be equal to A>B.

And all he wanted to do, is drain the swamp.
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