IPCT Blue Iris Update Bot - BI Update alerts + repository of all update files


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
Reaction score
New York
I'm excited to introduce IPCT's BI Update Bot! This tool was built to help keep members up to date with the latest Blue Iris versions. The bot will automatically check for updates to BI and if one exists will grab the version, details, release notes and files and add them to IPCT Downloads section. The reason this tool was built is because many users have had better performance results on different versions or sometimes an update can mess things up a bit, so why not have a place to easily access whatever update works best for each member.

You can also subscribe to receive a notification when an update is released. Notifications currently include forum alerts (+ push notifications), an email or a private message from @Blue Iris Update Bot

The Update Bot is available in IPCT Tools, or by clicking here - Blue Iris Software Updates

Blue Iris license keys are available here - Buy Blue Iris

