Blue Iris and DeepStack ALPR


IPCT Contributor
Apr 28, 2019
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I agree and I am going to work with BI to not have all cameras run the ALPR
Would the work around be to put in license-plate:0 for the cameras we don't want it running on?


Pulling my weight
Jun 28, 2017
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Awesome Mike... do you have a coffee link or similar? I owe you.

I still have one camera that needs to find vehicles but not plates, but it made no sense for several of my cams to have vehicle marking. WRT changes being made... it would be ideal if lpr cameras don't use lpr ai unless they find a plate. The BI settings for the online Plate recognizer allow for similar filtering... so hopefully this would be easy to do for cpai lpr.


Pulling my weight
Jun 28, 2017
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Well that didn't last long. Clearing out "Mark as vehicle" worked for my non-vehicle cameras, getting consistent 80msec makes with just ipcam-combined. Then minutes later I upgraded to the latest BI ( from, and now the non-vehicle camera ai details are showing plates again... with mark as vehicle blank... back to 160msec makes.

The update did fix the problem with AI not working after a reboot though. Plate percent is also fixed. This is much more important to me, and it seems like streamlining cpai lpr is right around the corner at this point.

A major fix I noticed though... +images and interval are being honored and working 100% as I expect!!! I thought I was just trippin'. I knew this was how it is supposed to work, and thought that always getting less images to AI and at seemingly random intervals was not a big deal. That piqued my ocd... now that it works I can do some things with tuning that I was hoping to do before.

[edit: On a side note... the ram was needed, but I could have got away with 16gb. After dropping in the 32gb kit, after warming up all of the make times are really tight... like 72-78msec no variance, even with lots going on. Windows 11 shows ~10-12GB being used... ~9gb going to cpai. So 8gb I'm thinking may be a little too thin for optimal lpr.

I also switched to the high model after the ram upgrade. No typos so far... but only a few very clean caps so far. Not sure if high affects the OCR, or if it's just placebo effect, but I'll know this evening when the usual NightPlates go by. ]
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Jul 18, 2015
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Hey everyone, it seems like my system is conflicting with something.
It looks like its recording different sets of triggers/alerts, one has a human icon and the other has a lightning bolt. with the human one superseding the other. if i click the human i get this picture.
Screenshot 2023-03-22 202550.png

Or if i highlight the lightning bolt i get this.

Screenshot 2023-03-22 202508.png

My settings are
Screenshot 2023-03-22 202932.pngScreenshot 2023-03-22 202957.png

Any help would be great. Running CPAI in docker latest version.

Screenshot 2023-03-23 043910.png