Hik DS-2CD2T63G0 IR reflection?


Pulling my weight
Nov 24, 2019
Reaction score
Hi all,

Been browsing these forums for sometime and learnt a huge amount, so thanks to all! Onto my first post...

I've been running 4/5 Hiks with Blue iris for just over a year now and have started upgrading/exchanging out some cams. I've just purchased a DS-2CD2T63G0-I8 (2.8mm) as an upgrade from a previous gen 4mm I5. (Results tbd).

Image is 'normal' during day but with IR turned on, i'm getting almost a halo effect with another 'artefact' dead centre of the frame. Cam has been mounted in same position as old I5 (which was absolutely fine). I've made sure lens and IR is clean and free of debris, panned camera away from anything that could cause IR reflections etc. and still same halo effect..

I'm thinking it's an internal issue, perhaps with the lens foam, but I can't see anything obvious.

What do we reckon?

Old previous generation I5:
Screenshot 2019-11-24 at 17.53.14.png

New DS-2CD2T63G0-I8:

Screenshot 2019-11-24 at 17.50.35.png