Help adding a Dahua POE switch to a Dahua POE NVR


Jan 11, 2025

I was hoping for some guidance with setting up a Dahua POE switch (DH-PFS4218-16GT-240) with a Dahua POE NVR (DHI-NVR5432-16-I/L 32CH).

I currently have 16 IPC-HDWW3549HP-AS-PV Cameras plugged in to the NVR, it works fine and was pretty straight forward to setup.

The problems is I want to add an additional 4 cameras.

I have done some reading about setting up the IP manually, but I am confused on how to go about doing this as it hasn’t seemed to have worked.

It was initially setup as follows: Router ---> NVR —> Cameras

I have now plugged it in as follows: Router —> Switch —> NVR LAN Port —> Cameras
—> Cameras

For reference, the gateway/router is and the NVR is on

The working cameras for some reason have auto setup with an IP address of 10.1.1.xx
This seems different from other setups I have read about….

I would appreciate some advice on how to setup the additional cameras on the switch.

Happy to provide further information or screenshots if needed.

Thanks in advance!
Cameras plugged into the NVR PoE ports will be assigned a 10.1.1.x address by the NVR internal switch

Cameras plugged into a network switch on the LAN will use the LAN IP range and need manual assignment of a static IP on the LAN (same LAN as the NVR )

Then these external switch cams will be discovered by the NVR and can be manually added on the Camera page of the NVR GUI
The extra 4 cameras should be plugged into that external switch and assigned IPs on the cameras themselves in the 192.168.50.x range
How many channels does the NVR have? 16 or 32?
If 16, you are done adding cams, 16 channels can only handle a total of 16 cams no matter how they are attached to the NVR.
I think its a 32 with 16 PoE ports