4.3.8 - June 4, 2016


Staff member
Mar 10, 2014
Reaction score
4.3.8 - June 4, 2016

  • The Size field on the Video tab in camera properties has been disabled for network cameras. It was a very common misconception both: that because a size wasn't listed, it wasn't supported, and that you could "set" the size, when in fact it is always determined by what the camera is sending. The exception is with the "anamorphic" option, which allows you to scale/stretch the incoming image to any size that you enter. There were a number of camera definitions with {XRES}x{YRES} in their video paths--please substitute these for the desired resolution as supported by your camera.
  • The "auto fps" check box on the Video tab has been removed. It was confusing and a very common misconception that you can "set" the fps for a network IP camera. Blue Iris has always used whatever the camera sends. This value is exists primarily so that the software can anticipate the frame rate and create buffers accordingly. The only requirement is that it is set >= to what the camera is actually sending in order to avoid "dropped" frames. Dropped frames are especially bad news for direct-to-disc recordings. There were a number of camera definitions with {FRATE} in the video path--please substitute this for the actual desired rate.
  • If the actual FPS received from the camera exceeds the "max rate" setting for 5 seconds, the max rate will be adjusted upward automatically in increments of 1 up to a maximum of 60. The "fps warning" condition now occurs only if the actual fps drops below 50% of its maximum rate.
  • Finally the DirectSound output list on the Options/Audio page is accurately populated and should operate properly with a selection other than (unspecified).
  • From the camera properties PTZ tab, it is now possible to define custom HTTP requests for each PTZ command. If you configure these for a new camera, please send the camera export file so that they may be included pre-configured for other users.
  • In an effort to streamline the process of adding a new camera, there's a new "add new camera" window which allows you to select a name, type of camera, and common configuration options before you see the general "camera properties" window.
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Young grasshopper
Dec 5, 2014
Reaction score
And thank you for fixing the zone feature with the camera rotation!