max. bitrate

  1. M

    1831E bitrate issue since updating to 2.800 firmware

    Has anyone else seen their IPC-HFW1831E bitrate acting strange with 2.800 firmware? Since updating my cameras to 2.800 firmware, I'm seeing bitrates twice, sometimes more, than what the camera is set at. (Set to 8Mb/s, but I see bitrates up to 16-20 Mb/s) I did not see this with 2.622...
  2. Overcon

    Camera Options Question

    I have a couple of questions I am hoping I can get a clear answer on. On our IP cameras, they all have the selection for Max. Bitrate and a range you can type in. What is Max. Bitrate and how does it impact video? What is a good setting to use? The other questions I had are for Bitrate Type and...