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  1. I

    Unlawful Dumping .... With a Twist.

    Mid-day on Monday the 21st, security cameras captured this woman dumping several bags of trash behind the fence of a nearby neighbor. I managed to get captures of the vehicle and the license plate as well. You can see the video at this link to my OneDrive account ->...
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    Short Dress ...

    Saw this one come into the alley today .... Couldn't help but notice the large sign she was carrying and thought it odd, to say the least. A few steps further and I could take a better photo.... Still couldn't figure out if she was carrying a sign or a homemade sunblock or ???? wtf knows...
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    Female Urinator ...

    More people urinating in the alley (public urination is illegal in my city) ... this one acted a bit bizarre. She specifically sought out a fully-lit alley and then she stopped at other houses nearby and was driving without headlights for a short time. Drunk maybe. Video on OneDrive is here --...
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    Face of a Thief

    The guy in the photo came through the alley today. As he turned the corner into the alley he pulled a pair of Wrangler jeans out from his baggy clothing, proceeding to tear off the tag and casually tossing it into the alley. This one is unusual with essentially zero reaction to the cameras and...
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    Bear Spray 1 - Trespasser 0

    Some may recognize my yard from the previous post when a girl went clambering through my property (Woman Walking Alone, Late at Night, in a Dark Alley ...). Last night had another trespasser deciding to use my property as a thoroughfare, only this time I caught up with him in the act. Once...
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    Public Urinators

    Yes, urinators is a real word :). Caution NSFW! Link to the file on my OneDrive ... Pisser2022-02-18HiRes.mp4 Several thoughts ran through my mind when I saw this young guy on security cams today, including, Really too bad the wind was light today .... Man, what a bladder capacity! Never...
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    Burgaria Interruptus

    Burglary Interrupted .... Once again having trouble uploading the video file, so here it is from my OneDrive .... AlleyWestVF.20220210_141400_1.mp4 Gallant dude leaving his girl in the dust like that - just one of the attributes to be expected from a petty thief.
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    Woman Walking Alone, Late at Night, in a Dark Alley ...

    Her response to the siren sounding off pretty much tells it all .... Hmmm... been getting this error every time I try to upload a video file. I know it is a legitimate file, but the site is disallowing it. Soooo .... you can see it from my OneDrive at this link .... RunningGirlLoRes.mp4
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    DS Watchdog?

    In another thread (DeepStack GPU memory issue? Error 100/Timeout after several hours) it seems that DeepStack sometimes drops offline and fails to restart occasionally, leaving BI without confirmed alerts and notifications. Is there any way to setup a monitoring system to provide an...
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    A Bit Off-Topic, ? About AC Wiring ...

    I have a question about running new AC electrical lines to power new outdoor lighting. The lights illuminate important areas for camera captures, hence, the tie-in to this forum. What I need to do is pretty simply, but as I've not done it before, I'd like to be sure of my plans. I currently...
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    OpenALPR Missed This One ....

    If you go through it frame by frame, you can see only 2 or 3 frames get completely washed out, while the frames preceding those and following those are quite clear. This is a consistent theme with missed plates at night. These are my Night-time cam (IPC-HFW5241E-Z12E) settings: Any...
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    Lyft LitterBug

    Video speaks for itself .... Closeup of the windshield .... And the license plate .... Lyft responded back with this: "I am really sorry to hear that one of our drivers disposed garbage in your backyard. That type of behavior from a drivers is completely unacceptable in...
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    City of Phoenix Plans 48 Cameras .... $2 Million

    Saw this local news story about the City of Phoenix Police Department request for a $2 Million approval for replacement of 33 outdated security cameras and installation of 15 new wireless cameras in the downtown Phoenix area. Justification is crowd control for the upcoming Super Bowl in 2023...
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    Cable Diagnostic Question

    Recently upgraded my POE switch to a fully managed Aruba 2500. Now I have a ton of bells and whistles to play with, one of them being cable diagnostics with TDR (Time-Domain Reflectometer). One of my cable runs to a camera produced this result: Interface name : gigabitethernet0/0/12...
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    Enterprise Switch Setup ?

    I received a used Supermicro managed 48-port POE switch just recently and am stumbling with the initial configuration. I have reset the switch to factory defaults. Right now, all I want to do is access the switch's built-in web page for administration. The manual says this: The switch includes...
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    Thief Stealing Dirt ....

    There is something fundamentally wrong with people, of any culture, who steal without need. They steal because they are vermin. Roaches who infest an area and take from others without conscience or need. How else to explain someone driving a late-model Toyota Highlander (valued at more than...
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    Domestic Violence Incident

    Fastest response I have seen so far from Phoenix Police at less than 5 minutes, but still too late to catch the abuser. While posting a response here to my Illegal Dumping thread, I heard some commotion outside. Quick review of the cameras showed a couple in the middle of an argument out in the...
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    Illegal Trash Dumping

    Difficult to understand the motivation of people to do this kind of thing. The city offers all residents ample opportunity to take this kind of trash to a dump site at no charge. Still, people with no respect for others or the community/neighborhood where they live/dump continue to dump their...
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    Supermicro Managed POE+ Switch - Anyone Familiar?

    I've been cooking along with an unmanaged Netgear 16 port POE+ switch for some time. Originally had an off-brand BV Tech switch before moving to the Netgear. Now that I've had the opportunity to digest some of the massive amount of information here, I've become more aware of options and...
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    Murphy's Law in Action

    In a never-ending quest for optimization and system improvement, I recently decided to make changes to my file storage system. This involved moving more than 6TB of files across the LAN and even with a fast network it takes significant time. It also resulted in some temporary corruption of the...
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    BI Error "RegSaveKeyEx: 3 C:\Program Files\Amcrest Blue Iris\backup.reg"

    See attached Blue Iris Status screenshot. Each time Blue Iris starts, I get that error message. I have opened a ticket with BI and the issue was "sent to Engineering," but I haven't heard back in some time. I am sure it is not a high priority since it seems a benign error, but I'd really like to...
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    LPR Got a Bit Confused ...

    Didn't quite know what to do with this one .....
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    Suggestions for PTZ Installation Welcomed

    As some of you know if you read my topic on a few of the captures I've made the past few years (A Few of My Security Cam Captures), I am not entirely new to security cameras. Now that I've read more and learned a lot, I realize I made a lot of mistakes early on and would have benefited by asking...
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    A Few of My Security Cam Captures

    My choice to install security cameras began when I found the community trash bin in the alley behind my home filled with construction debris leaving no room to put my trash for the week. It happened several times, so I decided in early October 2018 to install an "Alley Cam." Two days after...
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    Triggering for Rear License Plate

    Reference this photo from the IPVM tool... Capture targets are: 1) northbound traffic after they cross the crosshatched area, and 2) eastbound traffic immediately east of the intersection. Generally, it is within the area as shown for the camera. Software: Using Blue Iris with Plate...