DS-2CD 6332 fwd (fisheye) -How to upgrade (CN to EN)

Downgrading by tftp off course I tried it. Says data back error, and 5 seconds later file transfer completed. I am waiting for 30m now to see if it throws up successful.

I believe 5.4.5 is the precursor of things to come. Is it possible that 5.4.5 wrote New mtd?

Ps using hikvision tftp

Will check batch tool but what use it will have if I cannot use it in ivms and no video.
ok- something happened and camera doesnot boot.
I am now in recovery shell.

I see that davinci folder is empty. Should it be?

What are the steps to tftp digicap back into the minishell?
Here is where I am -
PC address is
Cam is
Cam doesnot want to pick anything during boot from tftp server(hik specific)
After 10 mins or so, I get ping on, I am able to telnet.
SADP is showing Mini-2CD system - with busybox version of 2014.

(sorry - searching gives too many odd answers and lots of noise)
I see that davinci folder is empty. Should it be?
I think that's populated with config and keys on normal bootup.
/dav should have files though.
After 10 mins or so, I get ping on, I am able to telnet.
Could be a mixed blessing.
Drop a copy of the 5.4.41 firmware named digicap.dav into the folder were the tftp server (Hikvision tftp update or Jounin tftpd32, doesn't matter).
Ensure the PC IP address is
At the telnet shell prompt, use the command

and see what happens.
If nothing, or error, use (maybe the IP address should be omitted) :
cd /
tftp -g -r digicap.dav
upgrade /digicap.dav

That might just downgrade the firmware.
Also - if you want to check out any changes to the mtdblock5,6 and you have the jounin tftpd32.exe tftp server (TFTPD32 : an opensource IPv6 ready TFTP server/service for windows : TFTP server) running instead of the Hikvision tftp updater, try this (l for local) :

cat /dev/mtd6ro > mtd6
tftp -p -l mtd6
rm mtd6

cat /dev/mtd5ro > mtd5
tftp -p -l mtd5
rm mtd5

Then to reboot, use
upgrade /digicap.dav
[ INFO][MIN]BURN: File size is 25021733 bytes (24435 KB)
[ERROR][MIN]BURN: upgrade_from_digicap:file_nums=37
[ERROR][MIN]BURN: upgrade_from_digicap failed

I was able to download mtd5 and mtd6.
mtd6 is same as your modded one. So, the camera has not touched it. mtd6 - I donot have the original to compare(my snafu of using the wrong one - to download - so dont have the original)

So what do you think the error is? I tried a few versions of digicap - The upgrade to 5.35 one, 5.41 etc.
Should I try very old(the 5.0.9) one - Will it work?
DS-2CD6332FWD-I Not booting

Took the experience of this guy (and you are helping him too!) and uploaded 5.0.9 digicap.
It worked.

Back to where I am now - The start of the thread. I have a fisheye which has 5.0.9 - same as I started BUT with lang =1
# prtHardInfo
Start at 2018-03-09 09:54:02
Serial NO :DS-2CD6332FWD-I20141210CCCH492873934
V5.0.9 build 141009
hardwareVersion = 0x0
hardWareExtVersion = 0x0
encodeChans = 4
decodeChans = 1
alarmInNums = 0
alarmOutNums = 0
ataCtrlNums = 0
flashChipNums = 0
ramSize = 0x4000000
networksNums = 1
language = 1
devType = 39425
SD status = 2 (0:noraml;none-0:timeout)

Amazing - How you have disected the inner working of Hikvisions, allowing to recover from worst case scenarios.
Ok - Sequentical upgrade til 5.41.1 is working. Ofcourse I am stopping here.
prtHardInfo is still 1.
My h264+ in fisheye mode exists and enabled.

So, if you are assuming that hikvision is going to enforce more checks on mtd in susequent versions - You are assuming correct, proved with this 5.41.1->5.45 upgrade.
Wow! What can I say - that was a bit of an epic journey. Really glad you got back into a working state.
Very interesting about how the newest firmware ended up with a language mismatch.
Clearly they are doing something different there. I can foresee some firmware dissection coming up, with maybe a modified mtd hack outcome.
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By any chance can you mod the other mtd6?(I already have modded mtd6 of original mtd6 with mac ending in dd)

Or if yoh can tell me which bit to chNge(available on this forum) and which block checksum to maintain.

Thanks nitin

Ps - writing from phone so referring to other 2 donors mtd6 I had posted earlier)

I have 3 of these cams. One is upgraded successfully with your help. Second one you have already given me the modded mt6. Third one is left.
By any chance can you mod the other mtd6?(I already have modded mtd6 of original mtd6 with mac ending in dd)
Yes, no problem.
As I've lost track of what's what I've included both, hopefully the one ending 92 is the one you need.

It sounds like you are going to embark on another roller-coaster white-knuckle ride ...
By the way - if you don't already have it, this is a good and popular Windows hex editor : HxD - Freeware Hex Editor and Disk Editor | mh-nexus


As an update to fellow readers - All cams were upgraded to 5.41.1 success.
alastairstevenson method of updating 6332FWD was a success.

Another feather in his hat.

Thank you.

By the way - if you don't already have it, this is a good and popular Windows hex editor

PS - Ofcourse I have HxD, and am able to comment on file differences etc by using that. What I was asking you was which block to maintain the CRC. I have been using MTD5 and MTD6 hacks since the time of CBX (whoever he was) wrote an angry leaving message on different website and left. I use it to mod my old cameras which I use on my property.
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Hi everyone,
Is it any chance to describe a upgrade process once more step by step (for a less clever guys)

I have the same fisheye cameras with the same chinese firmware and would be glad to upgrade them

Thank you in advance and best regards
