Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?

Apr 18, 2024
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I've turned a complete 180* about in my feelings regarding the pandemic lockdown. At the time, I was all for it. I mean "what else were we supposed to do?" But since everything got back to "normal", I'm seeing the mental health affect on kids. I've watched juvenile crime go from minor school fights and kids caught smoking weed behind C-Building to full on 1st Degree Murder (committed by 14 and 15 year-olds). I prosecuted juveniles for 10 years and NEVER saw violent gun crime, now it's rare that I get a case where a firearm isn't involved somehow (even if it's just mere possession).

But on a more personal note, 4 of my kids friends (at separate times/different families) were committed for suicide attempts towards the end of lockdown. I thought our family was immune. I was wrong. My oldest child made two attempts and we also found ourselves having to get him committed and stabilized. It was a perfect storm for him. Beginning of his Junior year he blew out his ACL so he couldn't play any sports. Now he wasn't going to be "going pro" in any sport, but he was good at what he played (and as a family we enjoyed watching him play). So, no sports his junior year and his senior year was on lockdown. He was cleared to play sports just in time for all sports to be canceled. So for his senior year he missed everything. Senior night. Senior Prom. His poster on the gym wall with the other Senior athletes. The camaraderie. In the middle of his Senior year my Dad passed quite suddenly from pancreatic cancer. 8 months later, my father-in-law died. That's a rough couple of years for any teen, but it was the lockdown/isolation that was the worst of it. My son is a social kid and that isolation damn near killed him... literally.

We were so WRONG to isolate these kids like that. It only took about a month before my wife and I saw what the isolation was doing, so we let our kids have friends over pretty much anytime/all the time. Several mornings I left for work and a couple of friends were at the house doing "virtual school" with our kids. Any given weekend there were 2-5 kids crashing on the couches in the basement. My boys started (and still have ) regular "poker" nights. I honestly believe that keeping our home "open" like that was the single thread that kept my son from the ultimate self-harm.

Sometimes the "right" thing to do isn't the "best" thing to do...

David L

IPCT Contributor
Aug 2, 2019
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I've turned a complete 180* about in my feelings regarding the pandemic lockdown. At the time, I was all for it. I mean "what else were we supposed to do?" But since everything got back to "normal", I'm seeing the mental health affect on kids. I've watched juvenile crime go from minor school fights and kids caught smoking weed behind C-Building to full on 1st Degree Murder (committed by 14 and 15 year-olds). I prosecuted juveniles for 10 years and NEVER saw violent gun crime, now it's rare that I get a case where a firearm isn't involved somehow (even if it's just mere possession).

But on a more personal note, 4 of my kids friends (at separate times/different families) were committed for suicide attempts towards the end of lockdown. I thought our family was immune. I was wrong. My oldest child made two attempts and we also found ourselves having to get him committed and stabilized. It was a perfect storm for him. Beginning of his Junior year he blew out his ACL so he couldn't play any sports. Now he wasn't going to be "going pro" in any sport, but he was good at what he played (and as a family we enjoyed watching him play). So, no sports his junior year and his senior year was on lockdown. He was cleared to play sports just in time for all sports to be canceled. So for his senior year he missed everything. Senior night. Senior Prom. His poster on the gym wall with the other Senior athletes. The camaraderie. In the middle of his Senior year my Dad passed quite suddenly from pancreatic cancer. 8 months later, my father-in-law died. That's a rough couple of years for any teen, but it was the lockdown/isolation that was the worst of it. My son is a social kid and that isolation damn near killed him... literally.

We were so WRONG to isolate these kids like that. It only took about a month before my wife and I saw what the isolation was doing, so we let our kids have friends over pretty much anytime/all the time. Several mornings I left for work and a couple of friends were at the house doing "virtual school" with our kids. Any given weekend there were 2-5 kids crashing on the couches in the basement. My boys started (and still have ) regular "poker" nights. I honestly believe that keeping our home "open" like that was the single thread that kept my son from the ultimate self-harm.

Sometimes the "right" thing to do isn't the "best" thing to do...
Humans are made to Interact, we need each other, Long term Isolation has never or will ever work. What got me is we found out early on that less than one percent were vulnerable. So why the Lockdowns?, especially on kids, they had the lowest mortality percentage? Only good thing that came out of virtual learning is the parents got to see what was being taught to their kids...

Kids were not the only ones suffering from loneliness, the Elderly too. My father ended up in an Assisted Living in the middle of the Pandemic. We were not allowed to see him, he passed in August of 2020, I truly believe the Isolation was a big part of his passing, he was healthy, took no Meds other than supplements/vitamins.

We should of learned from Sweden, they had the lowest death rate, no lockdowns, they focused on the vulnerable for their isolations...the US had one of the highest death rates With lockdowns. The so called Experts lied to us, all we needed to do was look at our past Pandemics (history)...most people just freaked out in fear, we trusted the Experts who actually caused more deaths and ruined our country...

This is hard to watch but it is my reminder of what we all went through...
View attachment Sad,_We_Will_Never_Forget_This.mp4


Known around here
Jul 16, 2015
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"According to AstraZeneca, the removal of Vaxzevria is merely for financial reasons". Like maybe lawsuits? On the other hand, I think if they are sued we would be paying the bill since they have been given immunity by our wonderful governments.


David L

IPCT Contributor
Aug 2, 2019
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So let me get this straight, now that we know the Clot Shot causes cancer and the same company who made this Shot now has a Shot to cure the cancer they caused? Do I have this straight?

Guess you need millions and millions of Cancer patients in order to sell your Cure Shot for Cancer...Wow, Wow, Wow...more Snake Oil...


Known around here
Jul 18, 2016
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USA, Oregon
Typical of big pharma, create something that causes a problem then get even richer creating something else that is supposed to fix the problem they created in the first place.
Same thing happened with some of the engineers back when I was working my high tech job. They often got promoted for fixing the emergency they caused in the first place.