Recent content by Vettester

  1. Vettester

    Funny / Satire

  2. Vettester

    Funny / Satire

  3. Vettester

    Code project AI no longer triggering alerts

    I’ve seen this happen before as well. A simple reboot has always resolved the issue.
  4. Vettester

    Funny / Satire

  5. Vettester

    Funny / Satire

  6. Vettester

    Funny / Satire

  7. Vettester

    Funny / Satire

  8. Vettester

    Blue Iris and CodeProject.AI ALPR

    I'm using &Plate in an MQTT topic and it's still working for me using the following string: { "plate":"&PLATE", "AlertImgPath":"&ALERT_PATH", "Alert_AI":"&MEMO", "Date":"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S","Camera":"&CAM"}
  9. Vettester

    Blue Iris and CodeProject.AI ALPR

    0.1 works well for me.
  10. Vettester

    Blue Iris and CodeProject.AI ALPR

    You’re talking “make time” while we’re talking about “break time”.
  11. Vettester

    Blue Iris and CodeProject.AI ALPR

    Not sure exactly when this changed but for the last few months the minimum is now 1 second and you cannot set it to anything less.
  12. Vettester

    Blue Iris and CodeProject.AI ALPR

    If possible move the camera closer to the street. Mine are about 15' from the street so I get good shots in both directions.
  13. Vettester

    Blue Iris and CodeProject.AI ALPR

    To improve accuracy you'll need to decrease the camera angle.
  14. Vettester

    People can mask USPS AI detections

    Thanks again @MikeLud1, the usps onnx model has been spot on since I started using it with zero false alerts.
  15. Vettester

    People can mask USPS AI detections

    If anyone else wants this Mike converted the pt file to an onnx.