Recent content by mbuster

  1. M

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    ^^^The third bullet point under who cannot vote, TDS should disqualify a lot of votes.
  2. M

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    I've wondered about that. I'd like to see DNA testing. There is a portable device called MinION that can give results in minutes.
  3. M

    Point your PTZ's NORTH tonight....

    Couldn’t see anything with naked eye but iPhone night mode did 3 sec delay. Nothing amazing but seldom seen from Arkansas. Looking east, north, and west
  4. M

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    Be careful, PETA will be on you. He's probably got a gerbil up there.
  5. M

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    RINO's and Dems all play for Team Deep State, the RINO's are just second and third string players.
  6. M

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    Here is one of many on YouTube, i watched all 3 parts yesterday.
  7. M

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    ^^ If a skid steer with a mulching head was not available.
  8. M

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    Had gobblety gook on my phone and blank on laptop for the post, deleted and tried again, Hopefully this works. Aha, same thing, but on laptop it just took a long time for link pic to load.. Apparently FB reel links don't play well with posting elsewhere.
  9. M

    Getting ads all the time

    I will look into Brave browser, I've been hearing good things about it. Thanks. So this is happening to others. It was just a few days ago that it started happening to me. I can make the extra ads go away if I go back to the forum list and choose the latest post in a forum thread. Its all...
  10. M

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    I'd vote for Otis, Mayberry's town drunk, or Earnest T Bass before I'd vote any current Demoncrap.
  11. M

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    Sounds like the wrong Lindsey Graham is in Washington DC.
  12. M

    Getting ads all the time

    I was aware of ads above and below the post on every page and an ad that pops up at the bottom each time you change pages or refresh that you can drop down. But I have been getting ads between posts and inside posts like one would get if not logged in and viewing as a guest.
  13. M

    Getting ads all the time

    I've suddenly started getting ads a few days ago. I've logged out and back in, I've closed the tab and reopened a new tab, I've removed website data (cleared cache MacBook). I just logged out, closed the tab, cleared the website data, opened a new tab, opened, clicked on forums...
  14. M

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    Your momma should have used the abortion option when it was available. I am just about ready to give them what they want, as a matter of fact, I wish they would mandate abortions for all Libtard Demorats. That should make them happy, until they realize how stupid that is. Oh wait, if it's...
  15. M

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    ^^^Already grooming the sheep for the big cheat '24.