Recent content by cyberwolf_uk

  1. cyberwolf_uk


    Dam you auto correct
  2. cyberwolf_uk

    UniFi Topology indicating a false(ghost) hardware icon

    Whilst annoying I get this from time to time. When you search for the MAC addresses via the web it usually reports no such vendor. Over time I have manged to capture all of the ghost MAC addresses that appear for me it was a Apple watch and Sky Digital Setup Box (through a lot of tail and error...
  3. cyberwolf_uk


    I will put money that she has more millage on her crouch than that Ranger has ever seen....
  4. cyberwolf_uk


    Its almost like the first car that stopped and the guy puked up drugs and the second car went to collect them. I just can't think of a reason why that woman would stop there (unless known otherwise) and pick up something from the floor where there is puke everywhere
  5. cyberwolf_uk

    LOL...Anyone still running XP?

    Maybe these target adds mentioned in another thread is working then... I watched a YouTube video about a similar thing yesterday albeit it was Windows 2000 though :rofl:
  6. cyberwolf_uk

    Site ads making site unusable on mobile Safari

    Totally understand your statement @bigredfish I guess its a fine line between making revenue from your site and not pissing off the hardcore users which I guess you make most your money from as they are constantly coming to your site. The ads don't bother me as they are blocked from router end...
  7. cyberwolf_uk

    Man With Mask / RFID Cloning?

    I agree, a lot of people in the UK are using this for lets say "an excuse to do cough cough something"
  8. cyberwolf_uk

    Man With Mask / RFID Cloning?

    Your so paranoid! clearly this guy had just purchased something from Craig's List and he was checking his mobile for directions using his navigation app. The only reason he had his face covered up was to prevent him catching COLD-VID ;) you never know who may have it! The tow truck simply got...
  9. cyberwolf_uk

    Trouble with Push notifications to specific phone. (Solved)

    I'm guessing Mrs Looney and you have different BI logins? If so and yours works fine what happens if you login to BI on her phone and push the alerts to her phone logged in as you and visa versa. I had sometime similar once and it was a mixture of setting up a new BI profile and checking the...
  10. cyberwolf_uk

    Fed up homeowner confronts car thief in his driveway

    I personally when I see cameras really high up (on the eves, roof line) its down to lazy installers or the wife of the home owner doesn't want the mess! So much easier to fix a camera through the roof space and to the roof line than than route cables down the wall which can look messy if not...
  11. cyberwolf_uk

    Fed up homeowner confronts car thief in his driveway

    Sometimes even though these are the things we work hard for you have to think is it worth it!! Thief could have had a knife, one well placed stab... dead! or a gun, couple of shots in fear... dead! Or slipped from the bonnet and his head was the one that got crushed between the car!! Its a sad...
  12. cyberwolf_uk

    Router behind Router

    Plus for the GL range, I have been deploying them for years and years as VPN servers, But I usually send out this model...
  13. cyberwolf_uk

    Another day, another boat crashing into my dock... sigh

    Don't know about that Looney, in our new "Woke" world we live in, you would be sued for causing eye discomfort as the stagnant water infected their eye from the water cannon!
  14. cyberwolf_uk

    Another day, another boat crashing into my dock... sigh

    @bigredfish, Living there, seeing that happen at times would stress me out to the point I would do something I would regret the next day! But apart from that, what a lovely dock area you have there.... Jealous
  15. cyberwolf_uk

    Chrome ending 3rd Party cookies

    Am I missing something here? But doesn't Google rely on cookies to sell advertising so isn't this cutting your nose of to spit your face (kind of) :idk: