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  1. M

    Using Laview domes with amcrest NVR

    can you access the ui from a PC?
  2. M

    Blue iris roku app

    Same. Would love to get an audio enabled RTSP stream on Roku but from what I’ve heard they don’t support that
  3. M

    iPhone 15 Pro Max problems with BI

    iOS app update released today has resolved this issue entirely
  4. M

    iPhone 15 Pro Max problems with BI

    No update yet. Do not update to iOS 17 if you can avoid it. Aside from BI issues it’s a total piece of crap. Very buggy.
  5. M

    iPhone 15 Pro Max problems with BI

    Reply from Ken for those with same issue- We are aware of issues with iOS 17 and will be issuing an update for the app within the month. Take care Ken
  6. M

    Israel attacked by Hamas...

    When i heard about the babies today i just lost my head. i have two youngsters, i can't imagine the despairtheir parents are enduring, assuming they weren't already murdered.
  7. M

    iPhone 15 Pro Max problems with BI

    Interesting observation! Thanks for the heads up the audio popping noise is just brutal
  8. M

    iPhone 15 Pro Max problems with BI

    Not sure if it's specific to the pro max or all iPhone 15 models but can confirm with 2 other iphones on separate servers the app is having audio issues and will freeze after playing a couple recorded clips. Other various issues not worthy of mention right now. if anyone else is using iphone...
  9. M

    What would cause this god awful noise ?

    I knew it !!!
  10. M

    What would cause this god awful noise ?

    I recently got the iPhone 15 pro max. I’ve downloaded everything in the app like I normally would but noticed when I play clips it makes this terrible noise at the beginning of every clip. The rest of the audio comes in fine afterwards but I can’t figure out what’s causing it. I went back to...
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    Stumped - internet speed nose dives

    I narrowed it down to an amcrest camera. When I disable it everything goes back to normal. I don’t know what setting is causing it to be problematic
  12. M

    Stumped - internet speed nose dives

    I gifted my dad a brand new BI server and 5 cameras for his birthday. When I set everything up it was running speedy and for the first month I could remote into his PC with full speed and tweak things as necessary. Overnight, when I remote into his computer (and when he’s checking cameras...
  13. M website down (2023.07.07)

    Yeah I’m looking at my desktop right now from team viewer. Very odd. I’ll try remotely restarting and seeing if it helps.
  14. M website down (2023.07.07)

    yeahI’ve been using it on my phone for years. Right now I’m away from home LAN. but usually as long as the IP is correct it will connect. All the ports are open and correct. I’m just trying to figure out what all is going on with the blue iris outtage and if it’s related.
  15. M website down (2023.07.07)

    I'm trying to use the BI app on my iphone and it wont connect. IP addresses are all correct and i disabled "lookup at login". I tried to refresh IP on my PC from within BI software and it just says "trouble retrieving IP Address". Is this all related to the BI server problems?
  16. M

    Is my network setup ideal?

    Oh ok. I just YouTube’d a tutorial on how to assign an ip to the new NIC. I’ll have to try this later thank you. This networking part is new to me
  17. M

    Is my network setup ideal?

    I think I figured it out. I think I have to plug my camera POE switches into another router and configure that dhcp server to have different ip addresses than my main one. Once the cameras are mapped on their new IPs I then plug my new NIC port into that new router. I assume at that point I...
  18. M

    Is my network setup ideal?

    I installed the NIc to my PC tonight and have everything wired as aforementioned. however, now all my cameras are not showing in BI. I think i'm missing a step. Now that this switch is plugged directly into the new NIC, who or what acts as a DHCP to assign IPs to the cameras? thanks in advance!
  19. M

    Is my network setup ideal?

    That’s the exact one I purchased on Amazon just now. Seems like the most highly rated and widely used thank you
  20. M

    Is my network setup ideal?

    AH... marvelous. Can you recommend a good NIC for my BI Server? I'm not sure if i should get a USB one or PCIe? Thank you!
  21. M

    Is my network setup ideal?

    If the cameras have no internet access how do you prefer to set/sync their time? (assuming they can no longer ping an NTP)
  22. M

    Is my network setup ideal?

    Ahh This makes sense. Ok so I need another NIC for my PC to do this no problem. The benefit of this is not performance but security ?
  23. M

    Is my network setup ideal?

    I was doing a bit of reading on the forums and I found myself questioning whether or not my Computer (BI Server) should be plugged directly into the ASUS Router. It is currently plugged into a dumb switch that my POE switches are also plugged into. Just curious if anyone has any knowledgeable...
  24. M

    iOS app suddenly not recording clips

    I noticed right after the last iOS app update (maybe coincidence) that I can't download clips anymore. I hit the video button during the clip, it turns red like normal, and i press it again to end recording. Usually this is where a popup would say the video is saved to my device. It no longer...
  25. M

    Recordings with Green screen flashes

    i don’t know how you do it but you always end up helping me and it always works. I’m very grateful. I turned off hardware decode and that appeared to have done the trick. Thanks a million
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    Recordings with Green screen flashes

    Does anyone know what setting I should check first to figure out what’s causing these green flashes?
  27. M

    Clicking on camera in all camera group goes to wrong camera

    In case anyone had this issue, I downgraded to last stable version and it’s fixed.
  28. M

    Clicking on camera in all camera group goes to wrong camera

    Couldn’t seem to find an answer for this via search. Randomly when I’m viewing the all camera group in the iOS app, when I click on a camera it will load a totally different camera. In fact, they all seem to be mapped incorrectly now. Already tried restarting the server and the phone...
  29. M

    What causes multiple clips for same time?

    Great ideas thank you. Will try tonight
  30. M

    What causes multiple clips for same time?

    I update regularly. But I don’t think anything else changed. Do you think maybe I should try redoing my record settings?