Recent content by Optimus Prime

  1. Optimus Prime

    DAHUA DH-SD59225U-HNI and clone got wet...can they be repaired?

    @EMPIRETECANDY It's the one I bought from you. It would not be worth shipping it to a warranty center. Would you have a pinout diagram so I can try re-crimping the cable? I might get lucky and it just be the end of the cable is burnt.
  2. Optimus Prime

    DAHUA DH-SD59225U-HNI and clone got wet...can they be repaired?

    Hey gang. I've got a DAHUA DH-SD59225U-HNI and a clone. Tornado season occurred, and with the pouring rain, I learned I did not have a good seal on the mounting box and did not drill a drain hole in the bottom. The ethernet connections got wet. Both cameras are none functional. One accepts...
  3. Optimus Prime

    Octoprint (ras pi monitoring 3d printer) webcam stream add to BI?

    I just went through this. I had to uncheck using secure session keys and login page under the advanced settings under the web server. This allows you to send usernames and passwords via irl. Now I can see the feed within Octoprint.
  4. Optimus Prime

    Repair in DFW

    Hi all. I have two 20x PTZ that got water in the connection. One will not power up at all. The other will power up, go through start up motions and then just sit there. Is there anyone in DFW that services IP Cameras?
  5. Optimus Prime

    USB-C Switch for laptop docking hub

    Hiya gang. Has anyone discovered a USB-C switch they like? I’ve got two laptops sharing a Dell D6000 docking hub. Works fantastically well regardless of which machine is connected (HP Elite x360 and a MS SB3), but I’d like to not have to swap the cable every night.
  6. Optimus Prime

    Top 201 alternative and reliable

    @TonyR "have you updated the firmware? The latest is 2/17/20." Yes "Perhaps you should state some maximum dimensions as apparently, we differ on what "a little larger" is." Fair enough, let's define a little larger as no more than 1" bigger in any direction. Thanks for your feedback. I...
  7. Optimus Prime

    Wireless IP cam for temporary projects

    There are WiFi cameras that work just fine. I installed four wireless Hikvision Cubes in a restaurant on and they don't miss a beat. The Amcrest camera is unusually awful. All I'm asking for is slightly better reliability with PTZ. I'm not expecting mission-critical, commercial quality...
  8. Optimus Prime

    Wireless IP cam for temporary projects

    @bp2008 You're right. If I was in a commercial environment this would not be great. But it covers my 3000 sq ft home, plus more than my 1/4 acre lot, and does so while compensating for a 30-foot wall running through my house that blocks wifi signals. I get near gigabit speeds from my laptop on...
  9. Optimus Prime

    Top 201 alternative and reliable

    @TonyR Your post is great and bad timing. The post I made two minutes before this one (Wireless IP cam for temporary projects) mentions a WiFi camera I own that I absolutely hate and constantly gives me issues. It so happens to be the Amcrest IP2M-841. I picked it up from home depot a few years...
  10. Optimus Prime

    Top 201 alternative and reliable

    Good morning all. The Top-201 was a great format. Has anyone found a more reliable/better quality camera in the size? Or if not quite that small, just a little larger?
  11. Optimus Prime

    Wireless IP cam for temporary projects

    Hiya Gang. I need a wireless PTZ IP camera for occasional temp projects. The trash Amcrest I have just doesn’t cut it. What is the current favorite? Does not need to have high zoom capacity, needs IR, outdoor rated is not necessary but would be a nice. I have an extremely good mesh WiFi system...
  12. Optimus Prime

    IVS and 5231-ze

    That's neat to learn...thank you for offering that solution
  13. Optimus Prime

    IVS and 5231-ze

    Do you know there is a way to indicate on the snapshot where the triggered occurred?
  14. Optimus Prime

    IVS and 5231-ze

    @th182 Thank you for these notes. This is cutting down on my false positives.
  15. Optimus Prime

    UI3: Larger PTZ buttons use-case is phone based. The PTZ buttons are a little difficult to use on a large phone screen.